xu48 发表于 2015-9-6 11:23:49

PhD (春季 2016) in Biomaterials and Nanomedicine at University of South Carolina

One research assistant position is available for a PhD degree-seeking student to work on a NIH-funded project in the the department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences at the University of South Carolina. The goal of the project is to develop nanoparticle based targeted systems for the diagnostic and treatment of central nervous system diseases and cancer.

Knowledge and hands-on experiences in the following areas are preferred: Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, and Biomaterials. Highly self-motivated candidates with a Master degree in Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmaceutics, or other related disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Interested applicants are encouraged to send an email including a CV with GRE and TOEFL scores, transcripts, summary of research experience, and contact information of three recommenders to Dr. Peisheng Xu (xup@sccp.sc.edu). The preferred start date for this position is Jan. 2016. Additional information of the research group can be found at http://www.nanopx.com/ or http://xu_lab.openwetware.org/ or http://sccp.sc.edu/Peisheng-Xu

The University of South Carolina is a globally recognized, high-impact research university dedicated to innovation in learning, research and community engagement. Founded in 1801, the university offers more than 350 degree programs and is the state’s only top-tier Carnegie Foundation research institution and one of only 40 public universities to receive Carnegie’s highest research designation and community engagement designation.
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