小强哥 发表于 2015-10-11 22:49:31

ISSUE117 第一次发表习作

In some developed countries’ cities, where most of their people gather, of course the cultural traditions are generated and preserved there. In some developing countries, however, countryside turn out to be the place where cultural traditions are derived and maintained. Additional, cities, on the contrary, can be the disruptive factor for the preservation of cultural traditions, which mainly happens in the new cities from developing countries.
Firstly, cultural traditions are the specific ways of people's life, surly they are derived from places where people lived, also passed by these people to their generations. Cities own the primary population of the developed countries, such as the Great Britain, where cities began to form at around 17 century, along with the first industry revolution, when most family work shifted to factories. Along with the development of the construction, Gothic buildings began dominated in the cities of that country. Hundreds of years passed by, people who lived in the cities pass that kind of buildings to their descendants, thus that tradition is generated and preserved by the people living in these cities.
However, not every countries are as developed as England, the majority people still gather in countryside in some developing countries, such as China. The cultural traditions are only preserved in countryside since they are generated there. Although, there are cities in the country, the people living there are mostly from countryside, also along with the development of economics. For instance, since there are 56 peoples in the whole country, different peoples owns different cultural traditions, and usually the more abandon the culture is the poorer and remote from cities they are. A kind of cultural tradition named Qugui, which is the ceremony for dead people, now face the situation of distinction.
Additionally, cities can be the places where cultural traditions become in danger, especially in developing countries. Since after forming, cities need to develop to bigger, more modern, more fashionable cities. In the process of expansion, lots of traditional buildings, which are the cultural symbols of that areas, are pushed down, and the high new buildings are constructed there. Also take a city from China for example, Siheyuan, is the symbolic building of Beijing, the capital of China. During the past few decades, more and more Siheyuan are replaced by modern buildings. Now days, only several of them can be seen around the Tianmen Square.
All in all, cultural traditions are generated and passed by people, and this process happens in places where people gather and live. Whether it happens in cities depends on the whether it is generated before or after the formation of that city. In developed countries, the process usually primarily happens in cities, but in developing countries, situation can be adverse.

小强哥 发表于 2015-10-11 23:01:05


小强哥 发表于 2015-10-13 22:21:31

The personnel director claims that all the employees in Acme should take the Easy Read course in order to get great benifits. The director bolster his conclusion by citing evidence that other companies have already greatly improved productivity by doing so and giving specific examples of faster reading speed and promotion of position. In order to further his conclusion, the director also makes a compare of the low charge of the course and the lifelong benifits. Although taking that course can be useful for no mater of the employees or Acme, the director, however, reach his conclusion too arbitrarily and bases the claim on doubt assumptions.
Firstly, although the productivity can be greatly improved by taking the course in some other company, there is no evidence that other company's success can be transplanted to Acme. If the major job of Acme has nothing to do with the reading speed, there is actually no need to take this course. Additionally, there can be other companies whose staffs also learned the course but there is no improvement of the productivity. Thus to further affirm the conclusion, the director should provide more evidence that other companies' success can be copied by Acme.
Furthermore, the examples that one graduate can read very fast and another graduate got promoted from manager to vice president after taking the course given by the director can be not representative, since they are known by the director may just because they are the best example from all the learners of that class and thus they are posted to attract more stuff taking their course. Meanwhile, these two people could be already outstanding before they take the course. So the director should provide more information such as the general trainees’ performance to validate his conclusion.
Additionally, the director also makes a compare between the cost of each employee and the lifelong subscription to reach his conclusion. However, the director failed to provide information about the total number of the staffs in Acme. If there are thousands even more of stuffs are there, the cost should be measured before making that compare. Also, $500 can be a part of the total charge considering now day's market strategy, by which more will be charged.
To sum up, the director's conclusion cannot be persuasive based on invalid assumptions. In order to make his conclusion firm, the director should provide more evidence and information before making any of his assumptions.

小强哥 发表于 2015-10-13 22:45:42


小强哥 发表于 2015-10-13 22:46:22


小强哥 发表于 2015-10-14 23:58:00

Whether the well-being of a society can be enhanced by many people's questioning authority? The claimer turns to believe it can. Although the merit of questioning authority can be something important for many fields, however, when it comes to the well-being of a society, I tend to contend that the author have overstate the importance of questioning authority, and I believe it can work only in specific and limited extent.
There is no denying the fact that questioning authority is an innovative power for the current status, especially in areas such as the science and the politics. After the establishment of some axioms such as the Newton's Law, few people can make as significant achievement as Issac Newtone because the laws are so persuasive and suitable for many situations, thus few people question the authority of that. However, bigger though can be made only by questioning these authority, which is in urgent need for the advance of science. As for the politics, which is related to every individuals in the society, also need people's questioning authority especially when it comes to some problems about justices and democracy. Just as the president of US, Obama said that the government is selected by the people and for the people. If they cannot represent the benefit for the majority of its people, the government's authority should be questioned and thus more fairness and democracy can be achieved, which means a lot for the well-being of a society.
However, the questioning authority should be limited to some extent, otherwise it can be a damage to the current harmony of a society. Problems brought by questioning authority can be severer in politics. Take China as an example, there are several people want to separate Xizang from the Chinese government, which is the direct questioning the authority of the Chinese government. This question without limited can lead to disasters to the society because once they take action, there will be wars between peoples. Once there is a war, the well-being of a society can be even further to get.
Additionally, questioning authority also based on the obeying of current authority, because current authority can represent justice at least for some aspect. One cannot pushed down all the knowledge system built by the precursors by questioning the authority without even learn about them before they can come up more innovative theory, because that can be rediculous.

To sum up, in order to achieve an enhanced well-being of a society, the authority should be questioned, not overwhelmed but in a limited extent. No questioning, no innovation. However, on the other side, overstate the importance of questioning authority can lead to rediculous or even catastrophic results, let alone the well-being of society.

小强哥 发表于 2015-10-15 00:01:38

argument 78
The vice president bolster his conclusion that the best means of saving money is to return to Buzzoff for all their pest control services by citing evidence that over $20000 worth of food had been dastroyed by pest damage in Palm City, where the pest control services is provided by Fly-Away Pest Control Company. As a contrast, the pest damage just had caused $10000 worth of food with the pest control services provided by the Buzzoff Pest Control Company. It may sound like reasonable at first glance, however, if further investigation is taken, the assumptions made by the president is not valid and the more evidence should be provided in order to reach his conclusion.
First, although the damage caused by the pest with the pest control services provided by Fly-Away in more than that of Buzzoff, this is not sufficient for the president to make a claim that Buzzoff is better than Fly-Away. The president failed to provide information about the amount of fast-food stored in Palm City and Wintervale. If there is much more (over twice) of fast-food stored in Palm City than that of Wintervale, it is better to choose Fly-Away Pest Control Company.
Meanwhile, the president also compare the difference of climate or environment condition of the two cities, since the amount of pest is directly related to the environment. Without showing all these data, the claim made by the president should be doubt.
Additionally, the president did not provide specific cost of each company, and just mention that the price charged by Fly-Away is considerably lower. If the difference of charge between two companies is larger than the lost from the pest damage, it should be more reasonable to choose Fly-Away.
To sum up, the president draws his conclusion without providing further evidence and bases the conclusion on inssuficient assumptions. In order to make the claim more sound, the presidents should dress more details and specific data to illustrate his opinions.

小强哥 发表于 2015-10-15 00:03:13

Issue-18 Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.

小强哥 发表于 2015-10-15 00:04:28

argument 78、
The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of a food distribution company with food storage warehouses in several cities.
  "Recently, we signed a contract with the Fly-Away Pest Control Company to provide pest control services at our fast-food warehouse in Palm City, but last month we discovered that over $20,000 worth of food there had been destroyed by pest damage. Meanwhile, the Buzzoff Pest Control Company, which we have used for many years, continued to service our warehouse in Wintervale, and last month only $10,000 worth of the food stored there had been destroyed by pest damage. Even though the price charged by Fly-Away is considerably lower, our best means of saving money is to return to Buzzoff for all our pest control services."
  Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
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