alwaysgt 发表于 2016-2-18 00:33:54


自己是一名对 随机 感兴趣的本科生,ms之后考虑读博也考虑就业,所以想读和金融数学相关的方向。

1. Paris Saclay math m1 ( cover 学费生活费)
Saclay 包括 巴黎十一大,巴黎综合理工(X) , ENS Cachan 的部分力量。m1 主要在 巴黎十一大上数学课。m1结束后可以申请读Saclay 下和数学相关的一些m2.
三个优势:1 不用交钱= = 2 数学很强,方便申请博士 3 方便往下继续申请 X  和 UPMC  联合的金融数学的m2项目。(X现在在某种程度上也是Saclay的一部分,同时奖学金会继续cover m2 的费用)
坏处:m1读不好那个金融数学的项目可能不要我Orz 同时m1 选不到数学课之外的课。。

2. Cambridge Part III(ad)

3. ETHz & UZH  math quantitative finance(没出结果)

4. ETHz math ms(周末出结果)

现在主要纠结 ETHz 和 Saclay 项目(假设如果可以申到六大和X的那个m2项目以及其他随机方面的m2项目)。。读博和找工作上双方差别有多大呢?
对Cambridge Part III 的看法有没有偏颇?

梦亦无痕 发表于 2016-2-18 08:18:04

本帖最后由 梦亦无痕 于 2016-2-18 08:52 编辑

就Part III 我谈谈自己的了解和感受:
1. 项目的名望大,是世界上最古老的项目,项目本身培养了许多顶尖的数学家和物理学家。比如Cayley是1842年part iii的年级第一,Maxwell是1854年part iii的年级第一,J. J. Thomson是1880年part iii的年级第一。我自己学统计的,统计的开山鼻祖K Pearson也是part iii出来的。

2. 项目读着普遍很痛苦,因为一方面课程难度号称是世界上最难的数学课程之一,更重要的一方面是竞争同学实力非常强。接近一半是剑桥的wrangler,外加美国过来的churchill scholar。part iii本身也是剑桥数学本科的一部分,所以教学质量同本科无异。比如part iii有两门课的授课老师是菲尔兹得主Timothy Gowers。

3. part iii某种程度上就是相当于剑桥数学系phd的qualify exam,另外part iii就是为了phd而生的。据我目前了解的情况,在part iii能拿到distinction,可以说除了剑桥数学的phd(这个要high distinction),其他的oxbridge的phd可以躺着申,不过英国的phd就是存在funding的问题。我上生物统计课,每天上课老师都要问有没有人读博啊,并且明明都已经截止了,还在问。。。我目前周围的中国人就有拿到剑桥化工那块的phd,另外还有个华裔妹子拿到了MIT斯隆的OR phd,昨天吃饭时的隔壁桌拿了Stanford的物理phd。所以早考GRE早了事。

4. 鉴于楼主对金融数学感兴趣,剑桥在金融数学这块确实不算强,应该不如牛津和IC,而且part iii强在纯数和理论物理。不过我觉得硕士阶段只是修课,多修点纯数的课程对金数也有好处。而且话又说回来,part iii的高等概率论,随机分析,随机过程统计理论加几门pde应该够学了。

5. part iii最大的弊端我个人认为是科研方面几乎为零,除了part iii的paper外没有科研了,不过part iiipaper也不好写。另外剑桥学制非常短,时间很不够用。

6. 至于找工作嘛。。。我个人觉得part iii课程上确实不合适,但又听说part iii的证在伦敦的金融机构里含金量最高,不知道真假了。。。还有career service每天都会轰炸邮箱,里面都是找工作的机会。。。

Ps 楼主拿到的项目都很不错,无论哪一个,能够学通学透都是有所大成。

cheesechan 发表于 2016-2-18 17:48:21

梦亦无痕 发表于 2016-2-18 08:18 static/image/common/back.gif
就Part III 我谈谈自己的了解和感受:
1. 项目的名望大,是世界上最古老的项目,项目本身培养了许多顶尖的 ...

6. may be in three prespective:
I/ It is Cambridge, and it is Cambridge.
II/ It is a super solid mathematics program. The industry always want applicants with strong mathematics ability, and that's why it is good.
III/ The short coming of it is........not practical. Even though it has sufficient course in stochastic, PDE, prob and stat course, but those are theoretical foundation course which are excellent for preparation of research (i.e. PhD), rather than practical course that covers various models used in the practice.

and thus it really depends. If the firm / division has the resource, and willing the train one up, then such a super solid math program can be a very good one.
If they want to someone to be on the job as soon as possible, then it is very likely that they will prefer someone that had read more financial mathematics (e.g. Oxford MSc CMF, IC Fina Math training will be better for that)

P.S. RE OP: Location is not a concern for Cambridge, nor Paris. Close enough to London.

cheesechan 发表于 2016-2-18 17:55:24

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-2-19 00:06 编辑

1. PhD. I will say all the three program are good for PhD application. It is only about which one is better........and normally this depends more on you own rather than the school.
But amount these three, I will say Cambridge will be the best if one wanna go US later.

2. Any historical data / quota of the M1 ---> M2 Prob and Fina in Pair VI? This can be very competitive.
(I once read that there are only 3 quota for HEC+X M1 QEF to X+UPMC M2 Prob & Fina.)
If taking this risk into account, I will say ETH+UZH or Cambridge is a much better choice, as ETH should be of similar level with Paris 6 in quantitative finance, and Cambridge Part III is Cambridge Part III.

3. Visa is difficult in Switzerland. I won't say it is impossible as I saw a few successful cases, but it will surely be a hard time. Prepare to be in Frankfurt, or fighting for positions in London. ETH is very well regarded in the quant related division.

4. Tuition is not a problem for ETH too.
Be ready for a living expense similar level to London if you are in Zurich. Paris should be slightly lower. No idea about Cambridge.

alwaysgt 发表于 2016-2-18 23:48:37

梦亦无痕 发表于 2016-2-18 08:18 static/image/common/back.gif
就Part III 我谈谈自己的了解和感受:
1. 项目的名望大,是世界上最古老的项目,项目本身培养了许多顶尖的 ...


alwaysgt 发表于 2016-2-18 23:54:49

cheesechan 发表于 2016-2-18 17:55 static/image/common/back.gif
1. PhD. I will say all the three program are good for PhD application. It is only about which one is ...

Probability and Finance 的申请难度我问了一下负责老师,老师说这个项目“very selective”,但“a good student should not be worried”(:L 法国人的good student。。。。),我的项目太新还没有数据,从综合理工申请的同学成功率 60%(但是能进综合理工的本来就非常牛了)。总而言之,还是像前辈所说,有(较大)的风险的。

cheesechan 发表于 2016-2-19 00:05:04

本帖最后由 cheesechan 于 2016-2-19 00:27 编辑

alwaysgt 发表于 2016-2-18 23:54 static/image/common/back.gif
Probability and Finance 的申请难度我问了一下负责老师,老师说这个项目“very selective”, ...

When the professors are telling you something is very selective, but good student shouldn't be worried, this means that it is really competitive, especially the toppest math students in France can be very top.

Go Cambridge or ETHZ if you have the choice.

P.S.1 No one stop you from applying Paris 6 M2 Prob & Fina after Cambridge Part the end you also spend 2 years.
P.S.2 But if you are able to get Cambridge Part III.......I guess you may be more interested in Oxford or IC in sense of working.
P.S.3 Suggest you to read the placement record of ETHZ MS QF. It is the most detailed one over the world.
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