famouskelly 发表于 2004-6-15 11:31:16


发信人: lly5(care too much), 信区: VISA
标  题: 借id发签经:6月11日成都1k过
发信站: 海阔天空 (Mon Jun 14 21:08:54 2004) WWW-POST

发信人: yyy100 (s←→z), 信区: Visa
标  题: 借id发签经:6月11日成都1k过
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sun Jun 13 10:14:02 2004), 站内


我个人情况不好,化学本科去年毕业,今年去一个无名小校学Natrual Product Ph.D. 只


  Study for Ph.D. in chemistry
2.What aspect?
  Natural Product Chemistry
3.(盯着电脑想了一会儿)What aspect?
  Natural Product, that is herbal medicine chemistry,...
4.(恍然大悟,作了解状,又看了一会儿电脑)Where are you going?
  XXX Univ.
5. (点头看电脑)Do have any work experience?
  I only have part-time work experience.
5.Did you graduate this year?
  I got my B.S. in chemistry at Tsinghua Univ. last July, after that I worke

d in my thesis supervisor's lab as a research assistant for one semester, th

en came back to my hometown CQ and prepare for my future graduate study.
6. (急问)When did you go back to CQ?
  Last Dec.
7. (点头)What were you doing in CQ?
  Study by myself, prepare for my graduate study.
8. (笑问)Why didn't you try to find a job, 那样可以获得经验和生活费用(我记不

  Because I have made up my mind to pursue a advanced education in US, and n

o farseeing company will employ a person for less than 1 year.
9(打断)But how do you know you can get your visa?
I don't know, but I've made up my mind,
10(打断)If you can't guarantee the visa, how can you make up your mind?
But it's my plan, and I don't want to cheat the companies. And no farseeing

company will employ a person for such a short time.
11(不再纠缠)So what's your plan?
I have two optional plan, first, start my own lab., research on Traditional

Chinese Herbal Medicine.
12 What will you do in your research?
Combing the advanced analytical Chemistry Technique I will obtain in US and

the empirical TCM knowledge in China, I can develop to a quality criteria t

o control TCM...
13 Why not choose a TCM institute in China?
What I will study is herbal medicine chemistry. It's an aspect of Chemistry.

And you know, Chemistry in China is far behind that in US.
14 So what is the other option?
Establish a TCM Authentication Center to provide the authentication service

for the chinese herbal medicine on the market.

的就更别去了. 成都的兄弟姐妹也别担心,签证官还是讲道理的,问得认真,感觉前面被拒


redemption_e 发表于 2004-6-15 13:48:32

thank you
help a lot
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