famouskelly 发表于 2004-6-15 11:40:50


标  题: BJ.1k_P@Stanford_Petroleum.accurately
发信站: 北大未名站 (2004年06月14日20:31:54 星期一), 转信


V: you study EECS in PKU, why you change your major?
I: actually I am not changing my major, I just use what I study
   from EECS to solve the problem in the field of the Petroleu.
   In fact, most of the students in PE department at Stanford have
   different backgrounds. such like computer, electronics, physics,
I: I apply the PH.D, but due to the tradition of Stanford, I have to get a
   MS in Stanford before pursue my PH.D.
V: What's your plan after graduation?
I: I will go back and work in a Chinese oil Company as reservoir engineer
   or researcher. such like PetroChina, SinoPec, CNOOC. Petroleum Industry
   in China is very promising. And Chinese  oil company is increasing their
   oversea investement. So they will need more people like me who have the
   international education background.
V: Why do you like your major?
I: I like mountain-climbing and outdoors activities.
   go to the far corner of the world, and work outside the city. I like that
   kind of lifestyle. (但是他听上去有点不耐烦)
V: Why you Chinese student always want to get a PH.D. in American?(发牢骚)
I: No, I don't think so. It's different.....
V: No....(打断我的话不同意我的观点。发现手边没有绿纸了,开始离开去拿绿纸,


※ 来源:·北大未名站 bbs.pku.edu.cn·
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