famouskelly 发表于 2004-6-18 16:05:03


发信人: AlvinOCean (优雅的风), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标  题: 最漫长的拒签经过!大家帮忙看看。
发信站: 北大未名站 (2004年06月18日10:50:28 星期五) , 站内信件


My background: BA from beida, have worked 2 years in a large public-listed co
rporation as an im&ex trader, will go to xxx univ (ranking about 30) to study
MAster of Finance with scholarship.
Encountered the toughest vo, a famous F1 killer.

me: nice to meet you!
vo:nice to meet you.Before the interview, I want to ask you a few questions.
vare you married?
vdo you have a car or house?
me:my parents have.....(interrupted)
v so you don't have.
Vo; have you been abroad?
me:Never.    (after said so feel regret, better say "not yet")
V do you have a job?
Me: yes, I am working for xxx company as a tader.
Vo; what’s your salary?
Me: my annual income is about ****rmb
V when did you begin to work in this company?
Me: ******
V when did you graduate?
V why do you come to this company?
Me: it is near to my hometown…
Vo(interrupt): where is your hometown?
Me:**** . and also because the president of the company is my parents’ close
V so you got your job from network, (他的语气似乎不赞成,开始在ds表上画了一个
圈,写了几句话)and you did not pass any qualification exam?
Me: no, I passed the interview.
V what will you do in us?
Me: to study the *** program at *** university.
V why will you study this program?
Me: because I want to seek a position in a international investment bank or c
onsulting firm after graduation. (interrupted)
V like what companies?
Me: Morgan Stanley, BCG, I have a friend who graduated from the same program
of *** university, and she now works in ***( a famous investment bank) . She
tells me about this program and said it’s very good. She also promises to he
lp me find a position in the company when I come back.
Vo( nodded): so why don’t you just change your job now?
Me: since my undergraduate major was not a business major, I do not have the
finance knowledge and the degree needed to work in an investment bank. I am n
ot eligible to work in this industry now. 说了句废话,显得自己不自信
vwho will pay for your study?看我的i20
Me:my parents. would you like to see the bank deposit records?
V why do you choose to study this program after working for 2 years?
Me: (我没想到他会问这个问题,因为我觉得他前边已经问了我为什么要读这个专业,而
意,无论是薪水还是工作内容,但是怕这样说不好,于是只好勉强说to work in an inv
estment bank is always my dream. And now I think it is the time for me to try
something new.
V what will you do if you cannot find a position in an investment bank?
Me: I will come back to my current company……..(被打断)(这个问题的回答可能
V but you will resign since you are going to us.
Me: I have talked about my study plan with my boss, and he supported my decis
ion and promised to keep my position. Here is the support letter; do you want
to have a look?
V no. how can you make sure that the position will be kept for you for 2 year
Me: as I have said that the boss is my parents’ close friend. He will welcom
e me when I come back.
V (表示不认同)what if any one else who holds the American degree enters you
r company and takes your position, what will you do?
Me: 没有想到他会问这个,犹豫了,过了几秒才说since my company is a large publi
c listed corporation and its business scope includes import and export, finan
cial investment, and medicine chains. There are many positions open. Maybe I
can find a position in a financial investment sector. Also, very few people w
ho hold the overseas degree now work in our company and no one with an Americ
an degree yet. I’m sure I can do good job after I come back.
V I’m sorry I cannot issue you the visa. I think you should go on work in yo
ur current company. You are talented people, blabla 我知道他铁了心要拒我,根本
Me: can you give me a reason why I was rejected?
V please see the letter, it is very clear.
ME: ok,bye.
一、 在他问 我如果去不了投行该怎么办时,就不应该退步,不应该说会以前公司,而是
说以自己的知识和经历可以去很多其他金融机构或者去公司做finance management,不给
二、 不应该过分强调network的作用,这个给他似乎留下了很差的印象。
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