famouskelly 发表于 2004-6-22 14:11:36


发信人: evelynchun(夜晚&凌晨), 信区: Abroad. 本篇人气: 140
标  题: 文科半奖pass
发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Tue Jun 22 07:07:33 2004)

Sorry, that I wrote this in both English and Chinese for my typing is really s
low in Chinese. and English is still poor—not good enough to explain all of i
Hope it is not too late.

My background: ½ scholarship—it even could not cover the tuition.  The
school is not famous. BS AND MS IN NJU.

When my number is called, I walked toward VO with smile. For he is a SS boy, a
nd I knew he was such a nice guy from the review of the bbs already. I felt lu
cky and happy. The vo place is like the place selling the tickets to the train
s or buses, isn’t it? That is the feeling, kind of noisy, chaotic. So I feel
not so nervous and can talk with him more comfortable. I spoke first –how are
u doing today? Very loud!! Because I wanted him to concentrate more on my iss
ue. I guess he might be surprised at my voice, and he gave me a friendly smile
too. And our conversation is started from a good point.
Relax!!  我就把双手放在台子上,想想你买火车票的状况.

On the way to shanghai, I saw the movie纵横四海 ONCE A THIEF, it gives me some
inspiration—it should be I who control the conversation. My background is no
t good at all. So what I can talk more is on my major and my future plan.

He asked what I am gonna study here, I told him that I want to study disaster
management. Then it is my turn to explain to him. First my master degree thesi
s is on the disaster management--- based on the SARS in china. So it shows a l
ittle bit that I had some background on this. 所以别忘了你的毕业论文也是一个很
好的论据,我当时是写毕业论文是一边浏览小百合的SARS 版一边查资料写论文, 这也我是
喜欢小百合的原因之一. My topic is to evaluate the disaster management system I
N CHINA.. So my direction in US is on how to build a better disaster managemen
t system IN CHINA. I gave him  毕业论文的英文摘要 和自己另外写的一张在美国的学
习内容, 一张以后博士的论文方向,当然并不是很成熟,但至少让他一目了然我要学习什么
,我的困惑与我的问题是什么样的. 我向他提及两件事,在SARS 中,美国没有死一个人,另一
件是911,证明,美国是有此实力与研究能力的.—it deserves my study there/here.

He also asked my future plan, and I told him that I might be a mayor---just li
ke 前美国纽约市长朱尼. He is famous for his response in the tragedy of 911. 然
后我们又聊了会到哪儿做市长,我告诉他我一个外国人不可能在美国当这个官的. 当然实际

所以请把你的重点放在专业与将来的工作,能够让他感兴趣,也能自圆其说. 说不清的干脆
写下来. 我毕业前给一个外教做COORDINATOR,考过TSE但是英语还是说的不好. 所以 给他

我是半奖,当我和他聊的正好时,他还是提出了要看我的财力证明. 我没有用银行存款证明
自己说不清,所以只有写在纸上了. VO还是认识中国各个银行的存折的. 他摸了一下,有点
惊讶. 说了一声SO MUCH.我就知道自己这一关过了,我还抱了房产证明,幸好没多事拿出来
. 我准备了好多,但是用的东东并不多,什么成绩单,和未来导师的EMAIL,都没有用上. 我想
谢谢我的父母还有三水,MELODY. 虽然她们看不到.

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