famouskelly 发表于 2004-6-23 11:27:21

代发]6.22 yymm check-CS

发信人: yps (【9911】-- YPS), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标  题: [代发]6.22 yymm check-CS
发信站: 瀚海星云 (Wed Jun 23 10:31:01 2004) 站内信件 WWWPOST


me: Figo  yy:yymm

me: Hello, madam, Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
yy: (nod)Where are you going to study in US?
me: XXX Univ.
yy: Why do you choose this university?
me: I am very interested in the research of the Data System Group in XXX, and
my friend Dr. XX who is studying in XXX told me thatit has a promising graduat
e program. He recommended me to apply to this univ. So ...
yy: Do you have a bachelor degree?
me: I will get my bachelor degree on July.
yy: Computer Science?
me: yes
yy: What aspect of CS will you study?
me: Data mining.
yy: Data management?
me: No. Data m~i~n~i~n~g!
yy: Data mining...(中间狂查电脑)Do you have a future advisor?
me: No, I will chose my advisor ...(被打断)
yy: Give me the homepage of the one you are interested in and your resume.
me: Here you are.
yy: (狂查电脑...)
yy: What will you do after your graduation?
me: I will come back to China to continue my research in Data mining and try t
o build a more intelligent data system. We can use this technique in Search en
gine. Do you know google? I will build an advanced google.(以上纯属乱侃)
yy: (开始在I20上划圈,把材料整理好)
yy: (还不死心)Why you will come back to China?
me: I want to shorten the research gap between US & China!!
yy: XXXXXX......check you!
me: How long?
yy: Two months.
me: (Faint中...)........


me: Morning sir!
sg: Good morning! So you will go to study in Univ. XXXXXXX?
me: Yeah!
sg: OK. Do you have a resume?
me: Yeah! Here you are.
sg: Thank you. So ... You are interested in computer graphics. What research h
ave you done?
me: I have been working in the XXX lab for more than one year, and ...(被打断)

sg: OK! 你有亲属在美国吗?
me: No.
sg: OK! Your visa has been proved. Good luck in XXX. ..........
me: Thank you.

iris0512 发表于 2004-6-23 11:50:06


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