famouskelly 发表于 2004-6-24 13:13:19


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发信人: yangmei (甘蔗我来了), 信区: Abroad
标  题: 文科签经,YYMM
发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Thu Jun 24 12:27:34 2004)

Vo:so you are going to study communication?
vo:why communication
vo: I can not hear you.
m:对着右边的喇叭,repeat. my undergraduate major is journalism, you know, jour
nalism always focus on teaching you practical skills, but communication can di
g things deeply,not only tell you how,but also why?so, I plane to study commun
ication in my grasuate study.
vo:you say journalism can not teach you how to communicate?
me:nope, i mean communication is more theoretical than journalism.
vo:why communication theoretical?
me:i can give you an example.study shows that exposure to TDP,thiness depictin
g promoting media leads to distorted body-image perceptions of school-aged wom
en and college female.Well, by studying communication, you can kow more about
the characteristics of your audience and the influence of the media.
vo:what courses offered in your department?
me:communication theory, communication and gender(说了两个想不起来了)
vo:what will you do after graduate
me:I plan to come back to china to find job in media companies.
vo:media companies(自言自语)
vo:ok,you have no problem to get your visa.

※ 来源:.南京大学小百合站 http://bbs.nju.edu.cn[FROM:
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查看完整版本: 文科签经,YYMM