famouskelly 发表于 2004-7-2 15:21:15

chengdu ee 2000, checked by Ben

发信人: bitFeng ( a bit ), 信区: FurtherEdu
标  题: chengdu ee 2000, checked by Ben
发信站: 一网深情 (Thu Jul  1 13:39:27 2004) , 站内信件

Chengdu EE 2000, Checked by Ben ( Last time refused by Terry )

    8:20 出宿舍,到食堂却没带饭卡,只好到网吧买了袋酸奶将就。
    8:30 新村门口打的,下大雨本来就很难打到车,更加上一堆学生离校,等了10多分钟
    8:40 到一环路十字路口,依然没有taxi。只好坐34路先到数码广场,再打车进去。路
    9:40 到领事馆,11:00进去。刚好看到上次我被拒时在外面踩点准备2000的一位mm出
问到的几个2000 f1都是上次被terry以工作经验为名据掉的。terry好像基本没有签f1,yymm
    11:40 terry叫我:

t(terry):(unclearly)?? Feng
me: (confused, stepping forward) ??
t:  it's u.
me: well, nice to meet u again.
t:  again?
me: yep. u refused me last time.
t:  I will let my collegue interview u. Please put your finger...
me: (confused, why he will take the fingerprint?) I guess it should be Ben.
t:  (speak loudly nearby the window, angrily) listen! dont't tell me what it sho
uld be! I just take your fingerprints, not interview you! But if i want, i can i
nterview you!
me: i'm sorry sir, i am very sorry about this.
(fingerprints taken)
t:  now go back to your seat.

(waiting for Ben)

b(ben): (call my name)
m: nice to meet u, sir. it's my 2nd time.
b: (look at the screen first, then me) you don't have working experience?
m: i do not have working experience, but i have been a RA for 3 years, and my pa
st study proved my excellent research ability and potential. well, these r my pu
b: (not interested)  r u a student?
m: (show him the diploma)i got my master's degree yesterday.
b: let me have a look.
m: (give it to him) and 3 days ago, my future advisor came to my present school
for an academic conference, and he was really surprised when I told him I didn't
get the visa last time. then he asked me to forward the latest sl to u.
b: (not interested) what you are working on?
m: I design microwave amplifiers, oscillators and other devices whicha r very us
eful in mobile communication systems.
b: what's your future plan?
m: i will come back to my present department to do research, just as what i have
done for the past 3 years.
b: how long will u be gone?
m: 5 or 6 years.
b: it's really a long time. how are u sure about the position?
m: my present dept also know it will take 5 or 6 years, but they still want me b
ack, so i guess they will make a plan. there's no problem. please give me a chan
b: yes, i will give u a chance, to work in the united states.
m: no, u misunderstand me. u know the market of mobile communication is booming,
and there will be much more opportunities in a developing  china than in the un
ited states. would you like to read the news from international telecommunicatio
n union?
b: no, i know itu. i will send your files to washington....and i will call me...

m: thank you very much, and have a nice day.
b: u 2.

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