瀚海星云 发表于 2004-7-9 22:26:18


与亚裔妹妹还是让我叫亚裔恐龙,因为比起其它几个女签证管,红发,金发,最难堪。 激战20分钟,将其拿下.哎, 签一次证,才知道作为中国人多累,去美国多不容易。
我8点到梅隆镇, 排队;到9点才进入签证处大门口。又在门外等了一个小时,同时面对保安的傲慢。10点进去,继续排队11点交预审材料,拿号继续等候。11点半被通知按指纹, 12点面试,被yymm蹂躏了20 分钟,终于拿到签证。

亚裔妹妹之疯狂, 偶早有耳闻,今天拿到号后就坐在她的窗口面前等候,亚洲妹妹的变态更让我瞠目结舌。怀疑她是台湾或者日本后裔?

Vo: you will go to *** university, that’s a great school.
Girl: yes


V: How are you ?
M: Fine, thank you.

V: why do you want to study in America?
M: Because I find that the MBA program in *** university is one of the few programs suitable for me.(interrupted)

V: Really? How many schools have you applied?
M: just 3. a…, b….., c…. All of them are strong in …..( just like MBA interview). ***University is strong in ………. And I once worked a lot in this field and I will continue to work on it.

V: is there any similar program in china or other countires?
M: yes(interrupted)

V: why not choose them.
M: because I want to learn American culture, American business and American people. My clients are mainly deal with American investors

V: how long have you worked in your current company?
M: I start up it with 2 friends last year, just 1 and half years. It mainly(interrupted)

V: How much of your salary? How long have you totally worked?
M: it is $$$$, ( this is my weak point, without certificate and the annual income is not high in this company too). It is not high, but my savings is mainly from my former employers, I have worked for 8 years. I earn heavy bonus after each project, for example, I earn 50,000 in ***IPO…..

V: give me your saving certificate?
M: here it is my certificate of deposit, and also my offer letter from school, which give me$$$$

V: tell my why you will return china after graduation?
M: Definitely, I will return my own company. My company is waiting for me. My mba study is a 3 year plan of my company, and I will ………..

V: What if you find a job in America? ( this is a tricky question)
M:I will not look for a job in America, I will return china immediately. And during internship, I will return my own company too…………..

V: you can first work several years in America to accumulate your working experience, and then return your company, it is more valuable to you and your company?
M: I don't think so. In my field, China is face a transition period during this 5 years. I show her some data, I can not miss the opportunists in this critical period
Here is the 3 year plan of my company..( she refuse to see)

V:What are you going to do with your company while you in US?

M: First, I have trained an associate who can 2 partners for this company who can work on my part also. And I have been able to create guildlines and templates after we completed a few project successfully.

V: What will you do if your company fail?( fuck her hard! She can ask me such question)?
M: Definitely, my company will not fail. I have confidence on me and my partners! …………
But if something really happen, I will try to work for the same field in China, not in America. Because(list my advantages in China and disadvantages in America).

V: so you will not work in America?
M: definitely.

Ok, you can go to …..


就如天道jason告诉我, 自信,一定要在气势上压过敌人。所以要不卑不亢,就像中美两国外交谈判一样。在亚裔妹妹面前,一定不要懦弱,这种aggressive 的女人,就喜欢aggressive 的人和她论理。

第二:first impression to visa officer.
着装要正规,尤其是mba. 这是对他们签证官的一种尊敬。我在那么热的天穿西装,很显眼, 但是效果好。比如,另外两个穿西装的要读mba 也都过了。 一个去Babson 只2分钟就过,另外一个去emory 的也很快。因为对你的第一感觉对签证关非常重要。

第三 准备充分

第四 be active, try to lead the conversion
交流是相互的,尤其是签证管不知道你准备了多少资料,你要积极的展示给他,即使他不看,也没关系,至少他知道你有, 你有证据支持你说的,也就证明了你说的是真的。(你不会胆子大到,没有准备某材料,估计他不会看,和他说你准备了吧)。尽量不要把谈话向你薄弱的地方引,尽量在自己信心十足的地方表现active.

签证管都很老练, 估计每人已经处理了几千个。有时候给的问题很到位。 比如:What if you find a job in America? ( this is a tricky question), 如果你说,你在美国找工作难,那就意味着你想在美国找,就有一个假设,如果你找到了怎么办。 建议上海的签证者在恐龙妹妹的窗口前多听听,她经常问tricky question.还有, 自己前面说的每一句话都要为签证管后面再继续问提供线索,所以说话一定要注意。

一定要让你的理由:make common sense!!!

千万别太空,理由要你自己信服。 比如有房子:房子可以卖掉(不是吗),有女朋友(没结婚,2年绝对可以让你分手,不是吗?结婚的都可以分手);所以你要找真正能够促使你回来的原因,不是美国找不到工作(如果找到了呢)。

我的体会全是来自jason 的教诲。真心感谢!!!

我非常同意他的核心观点:这是一场心理的博弈, 一定要自信!美国人不会让优秀的人不去他们国家的!!!

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