花仙子草儿 发表于 2016-11-25 08:17:41


1. Middlesex University:
专业:Applied Statistics MSc
five compulsory modules: statistical modelling; probability and stochastic processes; inference theory; descriptive statistical analysis; and time series and forecasting, plus one further option, either survival analysis or data mining.

2. King's college london:
专业:Big Data in Culture & Society MA

The programme will provide:

Knowledge and understanding of the effects of Big Data on contemporary society
Critical and theoretical approaches to the analysis of Big Data
Knowledge of the historical antecedents of Big Data
Understanding of the innovative methods for generating new knowledge through the use and analysis of Big Data
Big Data in relation to the broader study of digital culture, the digital humanities and traditional humanities disciplines
Understanding of appropriate personal and professional conduct in the context of digital culture as an emerging discipline

Required Modules
Theorising Big Data (20 Credits)
Big Data in Practice: Co-laboratories, Tools and Methods (20 Credits)
From Data to Insight – Cultural and Social Analytics (20 Credits)
Big Data and the Law: Foundations, Regimes and Principles, Challenges (20 Credits)
Dissertation (60 Credits)

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