7-9 B1 北京reject
发信人: novaco (大学中庸), 信区: Visa标 题: 7-9 B1 北京reject
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Jul 9 19:20:44 2004), 站内
VO. Why are to going to US?
ME. To attend .....
VO. Are you just graduate
ME. I am just graduate from ...Univ., and going to pursue my PhD in the following 5 years.
.... Do you want see the support letter of my supervisor? <hand in>
And here is the abstract of what I am going to present.
VO. Who will paid the tour?
ME. My supervisor, and here is the certificate...
and my airline information...
and the comfirmation of the hotel resvervation...
<不断 hand in>
VO. Are you married?
ME. I am single. I am too young to be married
VO. I see. Have you ever been abroad?
ME. Nope.
VO. I am sorry....
ME. Could you give me the reason?
VO. Sure. According to... act... not married, never travel a broad, and the first year of you Ph.D. 好像还有说了什么申请的时间太仓促, 应该多给他们几个星期等等. Maybe next time...
ME. What Can I do next? The meeting will be open jul 16th...
VO. I am sorry.
签证官是个黄头发短发MM…… 一路下来没有什么很尴尬尖锐的问题,很平稳的,最后就reject!!!!
7/6日陪mm去签也被reject... 怎么运气这么差?????
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 http://smth.org·