hatty 发表于 2004-7-13 01:46:20

issue125 献给10G的第一篇,响应imong“诊断性测试“,我目前的能力也就这样了,对

issue125 The past is no predictor of the future.

It is generally believed that learning from the past is very useful, which not only guides us how to deal with problems when confronting specific cases but also gives us clues for future deeds. However, it is a little bit haste to say that the past can be the predictor of the future, as is analyzed below.

Certain things happen in certain circumstances, and may turn to very different ones due to one mere change of the situation. As society has developed day by day, with more and more advanced technology and ever-increased social wealth, the nowaday world is totally different from ever before. When things come about these days, they must emerge in different phases from the past with new preconditions. So, the past can not predict even now, let alone the future. The environmental deterioration, teenager pregnancy, and drug addiction, are all "these days'" social problems ,and they are impossible to come out in the past surroundings. In medical field, the high blood pressure and myopia are familiar "these days’ "problems, and they only happen in the modern society though modern medical caring is more advanced than even before, because of the increaseingly rapid pace. Therefore, as the world keeps on changing, the past can not be the predictor of the future as they are under different conditions.

Though there are many theories summarized about the past by generations that seem very helpful and can teach us very good lessons to build up an objective opinion of values and to prevent possible mistakes, they are not that excellent in predicting the future precisely. One of American Presidents Franklin Roosevelt once put: "Eternal truth will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation". Eternal truth is not suitable in every case, let alone rules summed up by people. And no matter what we can draw from the past and how wise the assessment is, it can not precisely predict the future. The past provide us with the laws of the emergence of one country as well as the laws of the thrive and the decay, and it offers the knowledge about how the nation interact with others, providing international and comparative perspectives, but, all the laws can not be suitable in this multi-pole world. Thus, there are not eternal rules and the past can not precisely forecast the future.

Some famous people said: "History is made of occasions". With numerous things happening in the whole history of human beings and through critical analysis of the saying, it is all agreed that the past is full of accidents and coincidences. So it has not gone too far to say that nothing can be the predictor of the future, as anything is a matter of probability and nobody can ever foresee it. Just recall the memory of the ship called Titanic and the probability of the tragedy. From people's past knowledge and experience, based on the most sophisticated technology at that time, the great Titanic would be the safest ship ever known. However, it sunk in her first voyage, owing to the strong collision from the iceberg. Given the knowledge about the structure of the ship, there did exist some flaws in Titanic, and the sailor did not take his responsibility to notice the iceberg, and still there were many other factors that contributed to the mishap. But if any one of these factors did not exist with that little probability, the voyage would be a great one. So before things happen, nobody can assert to say that anything will be in a certain way.

The past is behind us and the future is in front of us. Still, with the guide of the knowledge and the experience from the past, people can conquer new cases with more ease. And the clear, profound and thorough interpretation of the past would definitely give clues to people when encountering similar cases as before , and to some extent outlining the future, as well as by analyzing the faults and mistakes, designing new methods to avoid the possible faults and extend the merits. Nevertheless, the past can not predict the future.

To sum up,  though studying the past is very helpful, as the world is becoming more and more complex , it is very difficult to predict the future by the way of looking into the past. Moreover, as many things happen with small probability and can not be controlled, nothing will be absolute. So, I can affirm that the past is no predictor of the future.


imong那次说过,第一篇作为“诊断性测试”,恩恩,我这第一篇实在费了心思 :p  ,就没有限定时间,也自己修改了好多遍。

当然,帮偶细细改全文就更好啦 :D

小女先谢谢各位看官的意见和建议了 :)

ggxinxin 发表于 2004-7-13 02:08:11

Only one mistake I found: "as many things happen with small probability and can not be control"
very excellent.
Could anyone you  me the things about Titanic? Did it sunk in the harbor( I remember the new concept 3 or 4 says that it sunk in harbor) or it sunk in the trip (as the film says]? I am coufused.
Thanks a lot.

needle 发表于 2004-7-13 02:16:45


pearlshell 发表于 2004-7-13 10:53:17



讨厌下雨 发表于 2004-7-13 11:58:57

好好好,盼到了hatty的大作,I’m brutal, so be careful

125 The past is no predictor of the future.

It is generally believed that learning from the past is very useful, which not only guides us how to deal with problems when confronting specific cases but also gives us clues for future deeds. However, it is a little bit haste to say that the past can be the predictor of the future, as is analyzed below.

Certain things happen in certain circumstances, and may turn to very different ones due to one mere change of the situation. As society has developed day by day, with more and more advanced technology and ever-increased ever-increasing? social wealth, the nowaday world the world nowadays is totally different from ever before. When things come about these days, they must emerge in different phases from the past with new preconditions. So, the past can not predict even now, let alone the future. The environmental deterioration, teenager pregnancy, and drug addiction, are all "these days'" social problems, and they are impossible to come out in the past surroundings. 好像这些都是五六十年代就出现的,那么these days的范围是什么? In medical field, the high blood pressure and myopia are familiar "these days’ "problems, and they only happen in the modern society though modern medical caring is more advanced than even before, because of the increaseingly increasingly rapid pace. Therefore, as the world keeps on changing, the past can not be the predictor of the future as they are under different conditions. 如果我没理解错,最后这句是TS对吗?

Though there are many theories summarized about the past by generations that seem very helpful and can teach us very good lessons to build up an objective opinion of values and to prevent possible mistakes, they are not that excellent in predicting the future precisely. One of American Presidents小写p? Franklin Roosevelt once put: "Eternal truth will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation". Eternal truth is not suitable in every case, let alone rules summed up by people. And no matter what we can draw from the past and how wise the assessment is, it can not precisely predict the future. The past provide us with the laws of the emergence of one country as well as the laws of the thriveprosperity,thrive好像不能作名词? and the decay, and it offers the knowledge about how the nation interact with others, providing international and comparative perspectives, but, all the laws can not be suitable in this multi-pole multipole world. Thus, there are not eternal rules and the past can not precisely forecast the future. 还是最后一句TS,right?

Some famous people said: "History is made of occasions". With numerous things happening in the whole history of human beings and through critical analysis of the saying, it is all agreed that the past is full of accidents and coincidences. So it has not gone too far to say that nothing can be the predictor of the future 上句话的意思是:不能说nothing可以预知未来,即,也许sth可以预知未来。这样和观点不一致啊, as anything is a matter of probability and nobody can ever foresee it. Just recall the memory of the ship called Titanic and the probability of the tragedy. From people's past knowledge and experience, based on the most sophisticated technology at that time, the great Titanic would be the safest ship ever known. However, it sunk in her first voyage, owing to the strong collision from the iceberg. Given the knowledge about the structure of the ship, there did exist some flaws in Titanic, and the sailor did not take his responsibility to notice the iceberg, and still there were many other factors that contributed to the mishap. But if any one of these factors did not exist with that little probability, the voyage would be a great one. So before things happen, nobody can assert to say that anything will be in a certain way.

The past is behind us and the future is in front of us. Still, with the guide of the knowledge and the experience from the past, people can conquer new cases with more ease. And the clear, profound and thorough interpretation of the past would definitely give clues to people when encountering similar cases as before, and to some extent outlining the future, as well as by analyzing the faults and mistakes, designing new methods to avoid the possible faults and extend the merits. Nevertheless, the past can not predict the future.

To sum up, though studying the past is very helpful, as the world is becoming more and more complex, it is very difficult to predict the future by the way of looking into the past. Moreover, as many things happen with small probability and can not be controlled, nothing will be absolute. So, I can affirm that the past is no predictor of the future.


首先应该明确predict的含义。在韦氏:Foretell on the basis of observation, experience or scientific reason. 这样就不能把它单纯理解为精确的预言,而是有根据的预测,”experience” 指出predict和past是有紧密联系的。如果for,可能更合适?
Body3其实不是很有说服力, 事情发生的概率也是和先验有关的。

pearlshell 发表于 2004-7-13 13:34:48

to hatty

issue125 The past is no predictor of the future.

It is generally believed( 啊, 我改了三篇作文,有两篇使用这个phrase开头的,) that learning from the past is very useful(beneficial ), which not only guides(facilitates) us (foreknowledge) how(how多用作副词表疑问,虽可作名词方法作为guide的宾语是不是无形中扩大了历史的作用,愚也以为历史可以起到明鉴的作用所以擅自换成了facilitates us foreknowledge)to deal with problems when confronting (注意confront 的用法,通常接挑战性或危险的事物)(similarly)specific cases(perplexity) but also gives(bestow 嘻嘻,G词汇) us clues(hints也许更好) for(of) future deeds(occurrence). However, it is a little bit haste to say that the past can be the predictor of the future(此处应该进一步表达你的观点以及该观点和statement的联系,因为你赞成她的观点。要不然就显得你有点自说自话,全然忽略写作的缘由和目的了)as is analyzed below.

Certain things happen in certain(corresponding) circumstances, and may turn to very different ones due to (even )one mere change of the situation. As society has developed day by day(onwards), with more and more advanced technology and ever-increased social wealth, the nowadays world is totally different from ever before. When things come about these days(in modern society), they must emerge in different phases(situations) from the past with new preconditions.(这是例子还是原理?) So, the past can not predict even now(present time), let alone the future. The environmental deterioration, teenager pregnancy(你忘了古时候人都12或3岁结婚的?薛宝钗15岁就给宝玉生儿子了), and drug addiction, are all "these days'"(current) social problems ,and they are impossible to come out(appear) in the past surroundings. In medical field, the high blood pressure and myopia are familiar(hackneyed) "these days’ "problems, and they only happen(engender) in the modern society though modern medical caring is more advanced than even before, because of the increase(e)ingly rapid pace( so what,此处你只给出现象,但没得出结论).(小姐轮推出大结论)Therefore, as the world keeps on changing, the past can not be the predictor of the future as they are under different conditions.

Though there are many theories summarized about the past(what, 此处应给出定义或限定词和明鉴相关) by generations that seem very helpful and can teach us very good lessons to build up an objective opinion of values and to prevent possible mistakes, they are not that excellent in predicting the future precisely. One of American Presidents Franklin Roosevelt once put: "Eternal truth will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation". Eternal truth is not suitable in every case, let alone rules summed up by people. And no matter what we can draw from the past and how wise the assessment is, it can not precisely predict the future. The past provide us with the laws of the emergence of one country as well as the laws of the thrive and the decay, and it offers the knowledge about how the nation interact with others, providing international and comparative perspectives, but, all the laws can not be suitable in this multi-pole world. Thus, there are not eternal rules and the past can not precisely forecast the future.(粒子和论点好像不太吻合噢,论点说的是纵向比较,放之天下而皆准的所谓真理可是多用于横向比较喔·不是典型事例)

Some famous people said: "History is made of occasions". With numerous things happening in the whole history of human beings and through critical analysis of the saying, it is all agreed that the past is full of accidents and coincidences. So it has not gone too far to say that nothing can be the predictor of the future, as anything is a matter of probability and nobody can ever foresee it. Just recall the memory of the ship called Titanic and the probability of the tragedy(just take Titanic as an example). From people's past knowledge and experience, based on the most sophisticated technology at that time, the great Titanic would be the safest ship ever known. However, it sunk in her first voyage, owing to the strong collision from(with) the iceberg. Given the knowledge about the structure of the ship, there did exist some flaws in Titanic, and the sailor did not take his responsibility to notice the iceberg, and still there were many other factors that contributed to the mishap. But if any one of these factors did not exist with that little probability, the voyage would be a great one.(事例和结论好像也不太吻合噢,有点一朝被蛇咬,拾年怕井绳的意思,好像还有一点,就因为泰事件是偶然因素带来的灾祸,所以不要相信任何因素,还是从这一过去事件中吸取了教训啊,因为她帮你预测了未来该怎样) So before things happen, nobody can assert to say that anything will be in a certain way.

The past is behind us and the future is in front of (ahead of)us. Still, with the guide of the knowledge and the experience from the past, people can conquer new cases with (at) more ease. And the clear, profound and thorough interpretation of the past would definitely give clues (benefit) to people when encountering similar cases as before , and to some extent outlining the future, as well as by analyzing the faults and mistakes, designing new methods to avoid the possible faults and extend the merits. Nevertheless, the past can not predict the future.

To sum up, though studying the past is very helpful, (as the world is becoming more and more complex ,此句应该放在主句后面) it is very difficult to predict the future by the way of looking into the past(as the world is becoming more and more complex). Moreover, as many things happen with small probability (as small probability play important role in many occurrences) and can not (hardly)be controlled, nothing will be absolute(此句应斟酌). So, I can affirm (absolutely agree with the statement) that the past is no predictor of the future.


hatty 发表于 2004-7-13 22:11:34


做了一天的实验,晚上才能登一下gter。。。先down下去,仔细研究 :)

imong 发表于 2004-7-13 22:15:55

汗 选了这么难的一篇 >.<#


It is generally believed that learning from the past is very useful, which not only guides us how to deal with problems when confronting specific cases but also gives us clues for future deeds. However, it is a little bit haste to say that the past can be the predictor of the future, as is analyzed below. (开头有意思,能看出来前后的useful和predictor的程度对比)

Certain things happen in certain circumstances, and may turn to very different ones due to one mere change of(in?) the situation.(觉得写得不是特别好呀,单一因素导致极大变化?) As society has developed day by day, with more and more advanced technology and ever-increased social wealth, the nowaday world is totally different from ever before. When things come about these days, they must emerge in different phases from the past with new preconditions. So, the past can not predict even now, let alone the future. The environmental deterioration, teenager pregnancy, and drug addiction, are all "these days'" social problems ,and they are (这里可以写which are呀)impossible to come out in the past surroundings. In medical field, the high blood pressure and myopia are familiar "these days’ "problems, and they only happen in the modern society though modern medical caring is more advanced than even before, because of the increaseingly rapid pace. Therefore, as the world keeps on changing, the past can not be the predictor of the future as they are under different conditions.(说实话没看出来这个Therefore)
(觉得这个段落的确是说到了一些相关的东西,但是focused似乎做的不是很好的样子?All that have been said are RELEVANT yet seems to be poorly organized. 而且,你的这个段落是不是突出你要强调的predict和condition呢?可能还是不够清晰的呢)

Though there are many theories summarized about the past by generations that seem very helpful and can teach us very good lessons to build up an objective opinion of values and to prevent possible mistakes, they are not that excellent in predicting the future precisely. (And用的太多了!学会用从句,用逗号,就算平行结构花样儿也不止and这一种。而且这里predict the future precisely,是不是改成用另一动词,然后用这个动作加上precisely来指代predict呢?)One of American Presidents (The former president of the  USA)Franklin Roosevelt once put: "Eternal truth will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation". Eternal truth is not suitable in every case, let alone rules summed up by people. And no matter what we can draw from the past and how wise the assessment is, it can not precisely predict the future. The past provide us with the laws of the emergence of one country as well as the laws of the thrive and the decay, and it offers the knowledge about how the nation interact with others, providing international and comparative perspectives, but, all the laws can not be suitable in this multi-pole world. (这个but为什么就这么直接呢?)Thus, there are not eternal rules and the past can not precisely forecast the future.(后面的Thus和前面的therefore也是相似的样子哦。而且觉得这一段和前面的关系并不是算明确的样子)

Some famous people said: "History is made of occasions". With numerous things happening in the whole history of human beings and through critical analysis of the saying, it is all agreed that the past is full of accidents and coincidences. So it has not gone too far to say that nothing can be the predictor of the future, as anything is a matter of probability and nobody can ever foresee it. Just recall the memory of the ship called Titanic and the probability of the tragedy. From people's past knowledge and experience, based on the most sophisticated technology at that time, the great Titanic would be the safest ship ever known. However, it sunk in her first voyage, owing to the strong collision from the iceberg. Given the knowledge about the structure of the ship, there did exist some flaws in Titanic, and the sailor did not take his responsibility to notice the iceberg, and still there were many other factors that contributed to the mishap. But if any one of these factors did not exist with that little probability, the voyage would be a great one. So before things happen, nobody can assert to say that anything will be in a certain way.

The past is behind us and the future is in front of us. Still, with the guide of the knowledge and the experience from the past, people can conquer new cases with more ease. And the clear, profound and thorough interpretation of the past would definitely give clues to people when encountering similar cases as before , and to some extent outlining the future, as well as by analyzing the faults and mistakes, designing new methods to avoid the possible faults and extend the merits. Nevertheless, the past can not predict the future.

To sum up, though studying the past is very helpful, as the world is becoming more and more complex , it is very difficult to predict the future by the way of looking into the past. Moreover, as many things happen with small probability and can not be controlled, nothing will be absolute. So, I can affirm that the past is no predictor of the future.

1.如果你的thesis是useful yet cannot predict,对useful的说明,对predict的定义,至少都应该明确,但是我似乎没发现的样子。
2.至少前三段彼此重叠交叉,各自定位并不清晰,每个段落都是relevant yet not necessarily focused 而且有可能同样的意思反复各个段落说的呢
3. 如果说你的文章中涉及past now future三个phase,并且对各自关系,例如past to now, now to future, past to future各有看法的话,应当写得更明确的呢


hatty 发表于 2004-7-13 22:22:55

最初由 imong 发布
汗 选了这么难的一篇 >.<#



反正,考场上也许会出现自己不熟悉的类型,我们总要锻炼些适应能力撒~~还是但愿碰到好写的题目吧,阿弥陀佛~~ bow//

拿我做例子?好啊~~~没准以后精华区就有125这个题目了呢 :p

hatty 发表于 2004-7-13 23:10:54


1 different from ever before.表达同样的意思可以用 different from whatever before么?whatever可以这样用不?
2 多极世界:in this multi-pole world表达对不对?
3 事件的极小概率,用”tragedy of little probability” or “with little probability”,或者别的说法更好?

hatty 发表于 2004-7-14 11:22:58


to ggxinxin:那个词,汗。。。用word检查了n遍,人又看了n遍,硬是没有看出来。。。我已经改过来了,谢谢


to 讨厌下雨:
nowaday是形容词,可以查字典 :)

我前两个body段想说的是 :1,时间的发生均在一定条件下,past day的经济社会科技等各种条件都与现在相距甚远,而离开的特定的条件,事情就会变的很不一样。



to pearlshell:



teenager pregnancy,是不是现在大家都把它当一个社会问题,我想老外是不会知道红楼梦里面人物的,毕竟文章是给他们看的。恩,欢迎继续讨论 :)


above all,还是谢谢你们的辛苦 :)

莫名N 发表于 2004-7-14 12:40:01

啧啧 真是认真

hatty 发表于 2004-7-14 13:43:59

最初由 莫名N 发布
啧啧 真是认真



讨厌下雨 发表于 2004-7-14 14:10:26

最初由 hatty 发布
to 讨厌下雨:
nowaday是形容词,可以查字典 :)

我前两个body段想说的是 :1,时间的发生均在一定条件下,past day的经济社会科技等各种条件都与现在相距甚远,而离开的特定的条件,事情就会变的很不一样。



讨厌下雨 发表于 2004-7-14 14:12:17

最初由 imong 发布
汗 选了这么难的一篇 >.<#


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