迟到的作业—— issue9 specialization
Issue9 Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.提纲:2。现在的知识是越来越专了
In this day and age, science and technology are developing at an increasingly rapid rate. On the foundation of basic knowledge, the ideas become more and more specialized. Whether a specialized idea that is rarely understood by the public has use cause some heated discussions. According to my own experience, I believe that so long as an idea that follows nature, no matter how it specialized, it will be under tremendous use.
On the appearance of human, they had begun working out the secrets of nature. Time elapsing, the basic theories of nature science were coming out of the surface, for example, Archimedes with his theory of buoyancy, Newton with the theory of gravity, Einstein with the theory of relativity, etc. When climbing a mountain, as soon as people first get to the mountain-foot, they are on the way to the mountaintop; however, not everyone is able to get to the climax. It is the same as the process of science exploration. Until now, scientists are doing their utmost in every field and have already got fantastic achievements, such as microwave communication, nucleus magnetic resonance and so on, which may be too complicated for the public to understand well.
However, narrow audience does not mean that the ideas will have little use. Who are those ‘narrow audience’ should be certainly got. As experts and scholars who are continuously collecting the results of former researches and doing further investigations have more widely specialized knowledge than the public, they surely master the ideas. Besides collection and investigations, their job also includes turning the theory into application, that is, concrete applicants that be accepted much more easily by the public will take the place of abstract ideas. GPS is a good instance. Global Position System is the device used in the man-made earth orbiting satellite and transportation tools. At most, the public just can tell the simple process of the orientation that the device on the target gives a signal to the satellite, and then the satellite will reflect the signal to the receiver, thus computer can tell where the target is after accurate calculation. Yet, we do not know the movement of the quantum that consists of the signal, neither do we know how computer works out the location of the target. In fact, we care about the results rather than the principles or the process, and without the principles, we still pleasantly find whatever we need. The lack of specialized knowledge does not seem so fatal to the public if there are some specialists.
On the other hand, a concerning and attractive idea is not sure to have great use. Until now, a lot of ideas of good imaginary but of poor science base once called the public’s attention, and consequently remain a hypothesis. Let us take the perpetual motion machine as an example. It is claimed that the machine needs no energy during its movement. Actually, the principle confesses that energy can be created, which disobeys law of energy conservation. Although a large number of people try to create a perpetual motion machine like that, it will never be realized. Therefore, even if an idea reaches large audience, it cannot be certain to be of usage.
As far as I am concerned, a specialized idea that has little audience can be used in applicants and devices that are welcomed by the majority; while, an understanding idea may not be of usage.
反正重在提高嘛 (诶。。。语言就不强求了,实在是用得简单得不能再简单了)
不好再改 嘿嘿
天亮了 我先睡去 @_@
睡醒了有力气捡砖头 我睡醒了~~~
Issue9 Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.
莫名的提纲跟我的有点象 尤其是body1
刚写完的时候 为这个body1存在的必要性曾经跟几个弟兄讨论过很长时间
最后某位同学(忘了谁)总结了一个 我觉得满有道理
说 虽然这个para在逻辑上是必要的大前提
不过偶对那个观点还是在保留意见 准备再研究研究范文的说~~~
至于body2跟3 逻辑是酱紫的
narrow不等于of little use
broad不等于of use
好 接下来看正文
In this day and age暴汗 第一句话的第一个短语我就没见过~~~是我土?还是~~~, science and technology are developing at an increasingly rapid rate. On the foundation of basic knowledge, the ideas become are becoming更好一些 more and more specialized. Whether a specialized idea that is rarely understood by the public has use causecauses some heated discussions. According to my own experience, I believe 严重汗中~~~i believe~~用it is believed也好些吧~ that so long as an idea that follows nature, no matter how it specialized, it will be under tremendous use.不错的主题句 交代得够清楚 而且也给后面的conditioning留下伏笔~
On the appearance of human虾米意思? 从人类出现以来??? 如果是偶 偶会说 ever since the first man had been born, the human beings had..., they had begun working out the secrets of nature. With Time elapsing, the basic theories of nature science were coming out of the surface, for example, Archimedes with his theory of buoyancy, Newton with the theory of gravity, Einstein with the theory of relativity, etc. When climbing a mountain, as soon as people first get to the mountain-foot, they are on the way to the mountaintop; however, not everyone is able to get to the climax. It is the same as the process of science exploration. Until now, scientists are doing their utmost in every field and have already got fantastic achievements, such as microwave communication, nucleus magnetic resonance and so on, which may be too complicated for the public to understand well. 感觉 中间的论断 还有举例在走题 感觉变成科技成果大联展 却没有跟narrow audience有关系~
However, narrow audience does not mean that the ideas will have little use. Who are those those who are ‘narrow audience’ should be certainly got. As experts and scholars who are continuously collecting the results of former researches and doing further investigations have more widely specialized knowledge than the public这个分句乱了都~到底是investigation还是doing investigation have more widely specialized... 看不明白了都~, they surely master the ideas. Besides collection and investigations, their job also includes turning the theory into application, that is, concrete applicantsapplicant?? that be accepted much more easily by the public will take the place of abstract ideas. GPS is a good instance. Global Position System is the device used in the man-made earth orbiting satellite and transportation tools. At most, the public just can tell the simple process of the orientation that the device on the target gives a signal to the satellite, and then the satellite will reflect the signal to the receiver, thus computer can tell where the target is after accurate calculation. Yet, we do not know the movement of the quantum that consists of the signal, neither do we know how computer works out the location of the target.不错 看到一个倒装~ In fact, we care about the results rather than the principles or the process, and without the principles, we still pleasantly find whatever we need. The lack of specialized knowledge does not seem so fatal to the public if there are some specialists.总的逻辑还是清晰的~也是很稀饭的论证模式~语言方面~~~莫名啊~~你跟我家neko小mm都要重新好好加油啦~~~
On the other hand, a concerning and attractive idea is not sure to have great use. Until now, a lot of ideas of good imaginary but of poor science base once called the public’s attention, and consequently remain a hypothesis. Let us take the perpetual motion machine as an example. It is claimed that the machine needs no energy during its movement. Actually, the principle confesses that energy can be created, which disobeys law of energy conservation. Although a large number of people try to create a perpetual motion machine like that, it will never be realized. Therefore, even if an idea reaches large audience, it cannot be certain to be of usage.
导致很松散 甚至有可有可无的感觉~~~
As far as I am concerned, a specialized idea that has little audience can be used in applicants and devices that are welcomed by the majority; while, an understanding idea may not be of usage.
偶不得不说 莫名啊 这个结尾是不是写得太@#$!%啦~~~
虽然偶也不会写结尾了~~~~ In this day and age, science and technology are developing at an increasingly rapid rate. On the foundation of basic knowledge, the ideas become more and more specialized. Whether a specialized idea that is rarely understood by the public has use cause some heated discussions. According to my own experience, I believe that so long as an idea that follows nature, no matter how it specialized, it will be under tremendous use.(基本句法好像生疏了不少)
On the appearance of human, they had begun working out the secrets of nature. Time elapsing, the basic theories of nature science were coming out of the surface, for example, Archimedes with his theory of buoyancy, Newton with the theory of gravity, Einstein with the theory of relativity, etc. When climbing a mountain, as soon as people first get to the mountain-foot, they are on the way to the mountaintop; however, not everyone is able to get to the climax. It is the same as the process of science exploration. Until now, scientists are doing their utmost in every field and have already got fantastic achievements, such as microwave communication, nucleus magnetic resonance and so on, which may be too complicated for the public to understand well.(前两句话就好像很别扭的样子)
However, narrow audience does not mean that the ideas will have little use. Who are those ‘narrow audience’ should be certainly got.(The concept of "narrow audience" should be carefully defined in advance.) As experts and scholars who are continuously collecting the results of former researches and doing further investigations have more widely specialized knowledge than the public, they surely master the ideas. Besides collection and investigations, their job also includes turning the theory into application, that is, concrete applicants that be accepted much more easily by the public will take the place of abstract ideas. GPS is a good instance. Global Position System is the device used in the man-made earth orbiting satellite and transportation tools. At most, the public just can tell(The public can, at most, tell.....) the simple process of the orientation that the device on the target gives a signal to the satellite, and then the satellite will reflect the signal to the receiver, thus computer can tell where the target is after accurate calculation. Yet, we do not know the movement of the quantum that consists of the signal, neither do we know how computer works out the location of the target. In fact, we care about the results rather than the principles or the process, and without the principles, we still pleasantly find whatever we need. The lack of specialized knowledge does not seem so fatal to the public if there are some specialists.
只挑着改了几个句子,基本组句好好复习复习呀! 受打击来了
好好研究 莫名加油啊~~~
555~~~ 哟,又是这篇。好像几天前某个题目autopsy过的说~~~
改不动了~~~ 最初由 lakeqian 发布
是我家小mm neko的
去看看去~~~ to 猫:
那个body 1,我觉得既然题目里有谈到Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years ,那就可以说一下,不过如果有更好的内容可以论证的话,那么这个专的问题就可以一带而过了
至于那个narrow 和use 的问题,我是这么理解的
后面又提到until wide,will have little use
所以我就认为narrow和little use 是对等的
则wide 和use 是对等的
in this day and age这个短语是有的
关于i believe和it is believed
我不知道为什么你对我的i believe那么汗
As experts and scholars who are continuously collecting the results of former researches and doing further investigations have more widely specialized knowledge than the public
这个句子是and 连接两个doing,我也知道可能会引起歧义
on the other hand...这一段的确感觉是多加出来的一样