DianaStone 发表于 2018-7-30 15:16:19

请教墨大的doctoral program in Finance

刚开始研究澳洲的博士申请,有很多地方不明白。比如墨大的doctoral program in Finance 这个项目,我以为是博士学位课程,但仔细一看这个学位描述:

Successful candidates for the five-year doctoral program are first admitted into the coursework program Master of Commerce (Finance). The coursework component consists of 16 subjects (200 points) over two years. Students who complete the coursework at the required level will proceed to the PhD degree where they will complete the thesis, typically in three years.

意思是这个5年的博士项目,最先开始是 授课型的 Master of Commerce (Finance). 两年过后学分修满达到标准,才进入未来3年的博士阶段,是吗?这个好奇怪。


DianaStone 发表于 2018-7-31 09:53:53


seanzyc 发表于 2018-10-8 20:52:37

不奇怪、、墨大现在是仿照美国模式  只不过美国是coursework结束有一个qualifying exam 还有defence,墨大只是要求你前两年均分达标才能进入后三年


chen8671 发表于 2018-10-11 22:45:38

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