陌小柒 发表于 2020-3-4 10:37:11


本帖最后由 陌小柒 于 2020-5-15 11:25 编辑

EconomicsTrack(属于经济系)https://warwick.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses-2020/behaviouraleconomicsTheEconomics Track is intended for those with an undergraduate degree ineconomics. Students attend a short pre-sessional maths and statistics coursebefore the term starts and take modules in Econometrics and Microeconomics inTerm 1.

ScienceTrack(属于心理系)https://warwick.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses-2020/behaviouraleconomicscienceTheScience Track is intended for those with an undergraduate degree in science, oranother quantitative subject. Students take a module in BehaviouralMicroeconomics in Term 1, which introduces classic microeconomics and the relationshipto the new behavioural approach.

课程介绍https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/psych/bes/course-overview共同课程Issues in Psychological Science;Methods and Analysis in Behavioural Science;ExperimentalEconomics;Psychological Models of Choice;Behavioural Change: Nudging & Persuasion; Principles of Cognition;BehaviouralEconomics;Neuroeconomics;Project

区别课程Economics TrackIntroduction to Maths and Stats;Quantitative Methods: Econometrics A or Quantitative Methods:Econometrics B;Economic Analysis: AA or EconomicAnalysis BB

Science TrackBehavioural Microeconomics


问题1 根据华威的要求,楼主是否只能申请Science Track?2 这两个Track对于楼主申请商学院phd跳板作用分别是怎样?是否值得?3 楼主二硕应该读什么专业和这个一硕搭配?

bocfin 发表于 2020-4-15 20:24:36


Youn-na 发表于 2021-4-9 10:55:56

bocfin 发表于 2020-4-15 20:24 static/image/common/back.gif

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查看完整版本: 华威行为经济学的跳板作用求分析