雨落风 发表于 2020-3-13 13:46:37

faculty meeting的时候问教授什么问题

本帖最后由 雨落风 于 2020-4-1 11:10 编辑

本来是个求助帖,可惜时间仓促加上无人回复,自己经历过faculty meeting之后干脆开个经验分享贴好了。以下问题的顺序按照重要性进行排列,仅供后来者参考。该文档仅为草稿,语法问题请勿深究。

Questions to ask students:
1.        Is there an exam after the math camp?
2.        How difficult is the microeconomics theory exam?
3.        How difficult is the ESL exam?
4.        Do Ph.D. students normally live in apartments or in dormitories?
5.        When will Ph.D. students have their own office?
6.        What kind of preparation should I do before arriving at OSU?
7.        Places to hang out during weekends. (National Parks? Concerts? Downtown? Food?)
8.        Meaningful things to do at OSU
9.        Community supportive? Friendly?
10.        Is it necessary to buy a car?

Questions to ask the program manager:
1.        If the COVID-19 breaks out, is it possible that our offer be deferred? If the offer is deferred, what would happen to the fellowship and GAship?
2.        How much should Ph.D. students pay for the health insurance plan?
3.        About bank statement and I-20. Funding->bank statement necessary? Affidavit of support necessary?
4.        Transcript mail/email/take to campus? any deposit fee?
5.        Apartments recommendation (safe, close to building, quiet)?
6.        When will the I-20 be issued/mailed?
7.        Where are most classes held (to choose an apartment accordingly)?

Questions to ask faculties:
1.        What is the class size?
2.        How many students applied to this program this year? How many did you admit?
3.        What does your current research focus on? How do you guide your students (detail, provide idea?)
4.        Graduate minor: what portion of students have a graduate minor? Is it helpful? Could it be burdensome? (statistics/computer science) Do we get a degree from the minors?
5.        What kind of academic preparation should I do before arriving at OSU?
6.        Opportunities for PhD students to attend academic conferences
7.        Opportunities to work with other departments, like business school, computer science, economics and environmental science.
8.        Most faculty here use microeconomic framework and computational economic methods to do research. Does anyone use the reduced form model/econometrics?
9.        How do you like the idea of applying machine learning methods to casual identification in environmental economic topics? How could OSU help me with that?
10.        What do students learn in AED Econ 7110 (advanced quantitative methods)? The differences from econometrics and applied econometrics?
11.        Opportunity to study agricultural product financial market and carbon trading.
12.        Any suggestions for Chinese students?

econwannabe 发表于 2020-3-15 14:35:47


雨落风 发表于 2020-4-1 11:12:03

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