piccolozr 发表于 2020-3-13 17:59:05


Science and Math Teachers are recruiting, for elementary, middle and high school, in Atlanta Area, Georgia State, US. About 15 teachers are needed! We will assist with the visa paperwork and arrival orientation process.

Interview will be held in China, probably in April or May. The school officiers plan to come to China for interview.

Job Info:
Duty: Science and Math Teachers
Location: Schools in Atlanta Area, Georgia State, US
Visa type: J1
Contract duration: 3-5 years.
Salary: $35,000-65,000 per year, depending on degree and experience

Degree: Bachelor or above
Teacher Certificate: Must
Teaching experience: > 3 years
Language: English fluency

Please send your cover letter and resume to: info@intalage.com, and referral is: Echo. Thanks.  March, 2020.
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查看完整版本: 代发一则美国佐治亚州中小学招聘数学和科学教师的启事