黄金脆皮涵 发表于 2020-4-28 04:59:47


今天收到了offer的邮件,并不是正式offer,里面说:Please note that this will be subject to the submission of outstanding document(s) which you have yet to send to us and/or not received in accordance with the prescribed manner. Your outstanding document(s), if any, will be indicated in the letter of offer.

想问一下各位这个是什么意思呢?con offer吗?不会有什么闪失吧。是确定录了吗。。邮件说五月发给我offer package,我可以拒其他的offer了吗

日常犯困 发表于 2020-4-28 11:41:59

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 求助~~NUS的offer里这句话怎么理解呢?