世界一家 发表于 2020-5-29 19:42:55


香港中文大学机械与自动化工程系成立于1994年。该系张为昭教授(2014年清华本科毕业,2019年获得美国西北大学博士,并于同年受聘香港中文大学),致力于探索符合材料的新型加工技术,研究兴趣包括:multiscale finite-element modeling on CFRP, and advanced manufacturing等,(具体请参见张教授个人主页:。张为昭教授有着丰富的企业合作经验,同包括Ford Motor和Dow Chemical公司合作开发computational material tools,用于车辆碳纤维材料方面的系统分析。并且张教授开发的复合材料模型被商用软件LS-DYNA采用进数据库。
张为昭教授在过去研究中,在相关领率取得一系列重要成果。已在Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,Composites science and technology等发表众多学术论文(详情请参考。

Qualifications and Expectations:
1. PhD in mechanical engineering, mechanics, material science or other related disciplines.
2. Proven track record of publications and research experience in the areas of: (1) composite material mechanics; (2) multiscale numerical modeling; or (3) environmental effects on composite materials

Project Information:
1. Project start time: not later than 1 September 2020
2. Project duration: 6 months to 2 years
3. Salary: at least 280,000 HKD per year
4. Other benefits: at least 22,000 HKD general expense and conference cost per year


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