swifter1984 发表于 2021-6-8 23:31:10

Ph.D and Postdoc position at NTU Physics


Division of Physics and Applied Physics, Nanyang Technological University

There is a Ph.D and postdoctoral position in condensed matter theory opening in the group of Asst. Prof. Yang Bo (NRF Fellow) in Singapore at the Department of Physics, Nanyang Technological University. Applications are invited with areas of interest that include (but are not limited to):

Topological phases of matter;

Strongly correlated systems (e.g. fractional quantum Hall effect, fractional Chern insulators and other flatband/heavy fermion systems);

Quantum numerical simulations (e.g. large scale exact diagonalization, density matrix renormalization group, classical and quantum Monte-Carlo);

Classical many-body systems (e.g. complex systems, critical and emergent behaviour);

Neural networks and modern machine learning.

Candidates should have a PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics or applied mathematics or closely related fields, be highly motivated, and have a strong background in analytical and/or numerical methods. Active engagement with experimental groups is encouraged. The position is for 2 years to start as soon as possible. There is a possibility of extension for a third year.

Applications to Ph.D programs for undergraduate students are also highly encouraged.
Candidates are invited to submit an application with a CV, a list of publications, and a short statement of research interests directly to Yang Bo (see below for email address). Letters of recommendations will be solicited at a later date.

For more information (and to submit your CVs), please contact Yang Bo directly at


Additional details are also available at:


Interested undergraduate students are also welcome to apply for Ph.D in my group. Details for graduate school applications can be found here:


About Singapore:

Singapore is a young and dynamic city in tropical South-East Asia that has a very international outlook, and is actively encouraging an innovative research atmosphere. It has a particularly vibrant effort in two-dimensional materials providing an excellent environment for exciting interactions (both experimental and theoretical). The official working language in the department and institute is English; it is also the predominant language spoken throughout the city.
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