staralways 发表于 2005-3-8 12:12:06

最初由 victoriazhizhi 发布
不过 对于例子的表述的问题还是很无奈, 有时候例子是可以的,但是自己表达能力有限,使得例子不能朝着服务论点的方向发展,然后经过别人一指点就能发觉问题在哪里,缺了什么漏了什么或者多了什么。自己在写的时候总是想不到


davidjacky 发表于 2005-3-8 14:02:52


lunatic 发表于 2005-3-8 14:21:06


Henrry_FF 发表于 2005-3-8 15:56:57


tcaact 发表于 2005-3-8 16:46:43





rsrs 发表于 2005-3-8 17:44:27



pooh 发表于 2005-3-8 18:16:22



鬼谷子 发表于 2005-3-9 19:59:09


Ten Pointers for Writing Good Illustration Essays
1. Illustration compositions are those that contain examples to illustrate an idea. Examples make abstract ideas more concrete, down to earth, and easier to understand. Examples will make your writing more interesting and attention-grabbing. Whenever you introduce an idea, you should ideally provide your readers with a number of examples to clarify that idea.
2. You should use specific examples in your paper. These are examples taken from your own life or the lives of people you know. They are unique examples shared by no other people. For example, if you are wanting to explain a vague and abstract concept, such as loyalty, kindness, generosity, embarrassment, fear, courage, joy, curiosity, or industriousness, you can provide a unique, illustrative incident from your own life to explain the concept. You can write a whole narrative that is, in effect, one big example, or you can provide different examples from your life -- a catalogue of examples -- one for each paragraph of your essay that will illustrate the one concept you are trying to explain.
3. You should use typical examples in your paper as well. These are examples of events that are common in the lives of most people. These examples represent the experience of many people. For instance, if you wanted to illustrate the concept of bravery in one paragraph, you could mention a series of typical examples that everyone would be familiar with: firemen saving children from a house fire, rescue teams saving skiers trapped by an avalanche, American soldiers protecting a U.S. embassy when it is under attack, overcoming one’s fear when skydiving for the first time, receiving an injection without complaint although you know it’s going to hurt, protecting the weak by fighting people who are bigger and more powerful, or undertaking a risky underwater project although the waters are infested with sharks. These examples are not unique to one person’s experience. They are things that we can all identify with. If you were to illustrate the concept of perseverance by mentioning how some injured people never give up their hope of walking again, how some students overcome great odds to earn their college degrees, how some single parents cope with raising their children although they have no help from absent spouses, how some business people fail and start all over again until they achieve success, and how some mountain climbers make many different attempts to reach the highest peaks, then you would be using typical examples, ones that we can all identify with.
4. You should use hypothetical examples in your essays if you can think of no specific or typical examples or if those examples are not powerful enough to illustrate the point you are trying to make. If you want to give an example of, say, a tragedy, you may wish to exercise your imagination and come up with a tragedy that beats all tragedies. However, you should always make it clear to your readers that you are actually using hypothetical (made-up) examples. You can do this by opening your essay’s body with something like this: “Let’s imagine a forty-one-year-old woman named Louise standing on the window ledge of an office building some twenty stories up. She has lost her job as an executive assistant.” Such a beginning will set up a fictional scenario that will hold a reader’s interest and can well provide you with a perfect example that you may not otherwise have at your disposal.
5. You are permitted to use mixed examples in your composition, that is, combinations of specific, typical, and hypothetical examples.
6. An entire essay may be one long example of an abstract idea, or an essay may have five or six paragraphs, each providing a different example of one single idea. You can even have examples at the sentence level. In other words, a single sentence can contain a series or list of examples. In this case, you can use exemplifiers to introduce those examples. Do you remember what the seven exemplifiers in English are? Here are the seven: for example, for instance, namely, that is, including, such as, and like.
a. Brenda brought snacks to the party, for example, chips, pretzels, and popcorn.
b. Brenda bought some decorations for the party, for instance, crèpe paper, balloons, and flowers.
c. Brenda likes only one party game, namely, blind man’s bluff.
d. Brenda told everyone to bring a French cadeau, that is, a gift.
e. Brenda selected theme colors for the party, including red, white, and green.
f. Brenda needed different flavors of ice cream for the party, such as vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate.
g. Brenda invited only her relatives to the party, like her cousin, her aunt, and her grandmother.
7. When writing an illustrative essay, you have the opportunity of using not only exemplifiers (with their respective commas), but you can replace those with colons.
a. Brenda brought snacks to the party: chips, pretzels, and popcorn.
b. Brenda bought some decorations for the party: crèpe paper, balloons, and flowers.
c. Brenda likes only one party game: blind man’s bluff.
d. Brenda told everyone to bring a French cadeau: a gift.
e. Brenda selected theme colors for the party: red, white, and green.
f. Brenda needed different flavors of ice cream for the party: vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate.
g. Brenda invited only her relatives to the party: her cousin, her aunt, and her grandmother.
8. You can organize your essay in any number of ways. For example, if you wish to illustrate the idea of philanthropy, you could write about a famous philanthropist, like Andrew Carnegie, and in a series of paragraphs, give five or six examples from his life of his spending his fortune to help other people.
You may wish to mention his greatest contribution as your last example: his giving America thousands of free, public libraries. On the other hand, you can approach the topic quite differently. You can illustrate the idea of philanthropy by mentioning four or five famous philanthropists in four or five paragraphs and what the major contribution of each was. However, it is always better to give examples from your own life. You could say in your introduction that we all know the names of famous philanthropists, like Andrew Carnegie, Paul Mellon, John Rockefeller, Bill Gates, and John Paul Getty. However, the philanthropist that has had the most direct influence on your life is good, old Aunt Frieda, who left you ten thousand dollars when she died. Then you could go on to explain all the ways her philanthropy helped you. Personalization is the key to interesting essays!
9. Do not trivialize your illustrative essay by using examples that are too trite, too obvious, or too commonplace. Of the hundreds of examples you could possibly use, choose only those that are most fitting and most interesting. If you wish to illustrate the idea of pain, telling me how you struck your thumb with a hammer by accident just is not significant enough for a meaningful essay. Telling me how you were forced to give up your child for adoption and the mental pain it caused you is a much better topic for an illustrative composition.
10. Finally, you should use examples in all your essays, not just illustrative essays. Just as you can use deep description in a narrative essay or little stories in illustrative essays, you can use examples in any essay regardless of the major rhetorical strategy that essay is focusing on. Try using examples in description essays, narrative essays, process-analysis essays, comparison-contrast essays, division-classification essays, definition essays, cause-effect essays, and argumentation-persuasion essays.

pooh 发表于 2005-3-9 22:11:05

up :)

flyrain 发表于 2005-3-9 22:32:10


PS:以前搞辩论的时候,请的老师给我们讲怎么举例反驳的时候, 有个兄弟还录了音;

Dendis 发表于 2005-3-9 22:32:50


dawnwind 发表于 2005-3-9 23:10:05


flyfish9 发表于 2005-3-10 11:05:55


自己对例子的develop能力很差,不知道该怎么办。ETS的5分范文中倒真有名目张胆举了一堆例子几乎没有分析的,比如孙远红宝书里给出的那篇“best ideas arise from commonplace things”的五分范文就是这样。但是,ETS在commentary中确实提到了“it lacks the syntactic sophistication an insightful analysis necessary for a score of 6”。


flyfish9 发表于 2005-3-10 11:08:35

最初由 rsrs 发布



amorz 发表于 2005-3-11 00:07:19


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