Diane123 发表于 2022-9-11 21:17:41

[Marketing/PR] 【求职辅导】Amazon WW部门Lead,Marketing相关职位面试辅导

本帖最后由 Diane123 于 2022-9-11 21:18 编辑

Nick Compton拥有超过10年的工作经验,就职于亚马逊总部,领导Kindle的全球市场推广部门。在亚马逊期间,领导过数百万美元的广告活动,精通广告实操和理论。 辅导内容包括八周的速成课,主要帮助想进入谷歌,亚马逊,Meta等500强的市场人,从基础的面试知识,到实际演练的广告数据、KPI,到面试辅导,帮助求职者在严峻的市场环境下开启更好的职业生涯之路。

Course Intro:
The Marketing Manager Crash Course is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about a marketing career. It’s an opportunity to learn first-hand from a tenured Marketer at Amazon who leads WW Marketing for Kindle. At the end of this course, you’ll have a tangible marketing plan that will become the cornerstone of your portfolio as you seek internships and start your career in marketing.

Course Structure:
1. 3 Resume Workshop (45 mins)
2. 4 Mock Interviews (45 mins)
3. 8 Weeks’ 1:1 consultation (45 mins)
    * Foundational Marketing Principles
    * Real-world Case Studies
    * Marketing Project
4. Referral Programs (Global Marketing Positions)

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