艾艾 发表于 2005-5-26 15:36:07

[签经] 5.25, BJ, 1000, 自费, pass!

发信人: albertwz (Albert), 信区: Visa
标  题: 5.25, BJ, 1000, 自费, pass!
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Wed May 25 17:11:52 2005), 站内


V: Good afternoon, how are you?
m:how are you? here is me card
v: fine
v: you'll go to CMU?
m: yes, to learn information system management
v: so, how much you need to pay, and who'll pay for you?
m: my mother will pay for me
v: ok, please give me your offer letter and your financial certificate
m: ok, here is my offer letter, and the bank statement, and this is my mother's income certificate (递进去)
v: so why do you go usa?
m: because chinese government announced a schedule for all the chinese tv station.... so i will study in cmu for relative knowledge, and i will help my family corp. to enlarge their business in this area
v: what corp.?
m: believing, do you wish to see the introduction?
v: not now, 看bank statement,how will you pay the tuition in september? (我的存款是定期存款,存到今年12月)
m: it could be drown from the bank
v: but it states it couldn't be drawn
m: oh, i remember. but you can see my mother's income certificate, she is rich enough to pay that tuition
v: 发现有两张income certificate. please, what's the number of the year? 一张里面是阿拉伯数字,另一张是中文大写
m: 说了一下
v: I just strange, how could your mother working for two company?
m: 有点急了,想了一下, be course she has investment in the two companies
m: do you wish to see the introduction of my family corp.? 赶忙递了过去
v: yes, i see
v: so what do this company do?
m: -----
v: so, how did your mother could earn too much money? where did these money from?
m:心想,吗的,钱多了都要管啊。 my mother first run her own company, and then she earn enough money to invest in to these companies.
v: what's your mother's own company for?
m: TV series, animation, and TV columns
v: what's the name of that TV station?
m: it's not a tv station, it's a company producing program and sell it to TV station
v: 重复我的话,yes, so what's the name of that company?
m: 赶忙递公司营业执照和验资报告.....
v: i don't wish  too see that, please tell me the name
v: and could you say something the program your mother's company produced?
m:.. well. 说了一个.
v: when?
m: 1995
v:only one?
m: and the one you could see in today is .....
v: in which channel?
m: in every provincial channel
v: ok, please go to window 1, and..
m: thank you very much 然后赶紧收窗口前的材料

根本没有管我是什么,直截了当资金问题。还好对这方面我比较熟悉,虽然有些紧张,我前面有个女孩是去Minnesota Twin读法律的,没有问几个问题就过了,也主要是资金,但是她家的资金比较简单,就是工资证明,jfmm还问了工作几年的问题,说了一下就签了。我主要是资金太复杂了,而且可能不相信我老妈如此……。自费的同学可以参考一下。

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