jollygt 发表于 2005-5-28 00:51:52

BJ 5.27 pass

发信人: lulugene (lulu), 信区: Visa
标  题: BJ 5.27 pass  
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Fri May 27 19:08:08 2005), 站内



vo: are you from tsinghua univ?
me: yes
vo: you want to go to austin?
me: yes
vo: what is your major in USA?
me: civil
vo: why civil?
me: because my undergraduate major is civil
vo: give me your offer letter
vo: what will you do in ten years after your graduation?
me: I am going to become a professor(忘了有没有说 in china)
vo: describe your research field
me: ......
vo: go to window 1 and get your visa

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