jollygt 发表于 2005-6-13 23:02:48

6.13 bj 1000 pass

发信人: ipods (ipods), 信区: Visa
标  题: 6.13 bj 1000 pass
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Mon Jun 13 14:47:43 2005), 站内

自费 Upenn, Architecture. 约了9点,11点多才签上。2号窗口,棕色头发VO,不怎么笑,感觉上去的人都被问得挺细的。我们这队第一个上去的老黑2分钟就被拒了,我后面也有一个会议的被拒。不过人比较nice, 很耐心听我说,问得还是很细。反正我做好了问不倒的准备,问啥答啥。问得比较久,记不太清了,基本是这样的:
Me: nice meeting you.
Vo: good. So you are from Tsinghua?
Me: yep.
Vo: you will graduate this year?
Me: yes. I will get my bachelor degree next month.
Vo: you are going to xxx?
Me: yep. To purse my master degree in xxx.
Vo: why xxx?
Me: because it has one of the world-class…
Vo: it is only one-year program.
Me: yes. That's enough.
Vo: why will you get this degree?
Me:because it will improve my professional skills which will help me find a good
   job in China.
Vo: so what will u do after graduation?
Me: I will come back to find a well-paid job, and after two or three years'  
    working, I will start my own company.
Vo: I heard from my friends that architecture students are not easy to find jobs    in Beijing. Is that true?
Me: oh no. actually it's not true. You know China is the best place to do the       architecture practice. Architects here never lose job.
Vo: what's your salary after u come back?  
Me: I think for the first year, I will get about xxx. And from the second year,     the salary will rise to twice or three times of the first one's.  
     Here I also got the financial certification. Have a look?
Vo: sure.
Me: Ok, and also my family's asset list. Take a look.
Vo: what does your father do?
Me: My father runs the company which totally belongs to my family, as I showed      in the list.
Vo(指着存款证明上的日期): you just got the money in April?  
                          Do you have any bank records?
Me: sorry. I have no record of this account. But I have the records of my          father's account. You can see almost everyday income these years.(递入近几年的存折交易记录)
Vo(看了两页,点头,我以为要说go to window 1):why will you study for this master degree?
Me(问过还问?): With this master degree, I will be very competitive among…
Vo(转身敲电脑,突然又冒出一句): why is it only one year?
Me: the program is for those who have 5-year bachelor degree of architecture…
Vo(点头): ok. Please go to window 1 to get your visa.
Me: thanks. Nice day. (看他没给什么条,又问:) just go to window 1 and get it?
Vo: yep. Wait there.
Me: ok. Thank you.

特别感谢mm一直以来的帮助,这几天多次vo效果非常地明显,bless mm 后天签证顺利!
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