7月5日,成都,1000 pass 签经+询问
发信人: snoworchid (紫贝壳), 信区: Visa标 题: 7月5日,成都,1000 pass 签经+询问
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Tue Jul 5 11:56:33 2005), 站内
个人情况:ph.d 全奖,退学
我约的是上午8:30,总担心会迟到,结果7:30就到了。先到使馆对面的永和豆浆坐了半小时,然后到使馆外面排队,人不算太多,还比较快。一起排8:30的好象就我一个f1,其余大多是探亲的,还有十多个中学生,可能是夏令营。同去uw的lostephemera 也是今天上午签证,但是到了成都没有跟他联系上。然后就是交护照和身份证(记得北京是不用交身份证的),进使馆。进去以后要把所有带的东西都检查一遍,带了手机的只要关机就可以免费存包。然后进到后面一幢房子的大厅,排队交DS表,学生还要把offer letter, G/T成绩都交上去。本来想把resume一块交了,结果没要我的。然后就是等待。位置很多,可以坐下等待。我一直跟我前面的一个ppjj聊天。她去探亲,上个月被剧了一次,这次特别紧张,虽然室内的空调很低,她鼻子上却都是汗。我签过了的时候她还在另一个窗口奋战,bless her pass.等待中间她不停地给我说上次韩国vo多tough,希望这次别碰上。后来他碰上了,但是由于上次被那个vo拒的,vo主动提出让她换一个窗口,一个中年美国男子给她签。然后我被韩国vo叫上去了。
me: Good morning sir,
vo: 把左手放上去按指纹,把右手放上去
vo: what do you want to study in US?
me: I will study for my ph.d. of geography in ** university. My specialty is migration. Migration is related to urbanization. Nowadays China is experiencing rapid urbanization......
vo: How long did you stay in Singapore?
me: I have been to Singapore twince. The first time is in 2001 and I stayed for one week and the second time is in 2005 and I stayed for four months. Actually I'm a ph.d student in *** university in Singapore.(主动说出我退学,省得他纠缠)。 I’m not interested in the topic my advisor asked me to do. It's on ...I had talked with her, but she still insisted that I should study that topic...
vo: ....bachelor...
me: pardon?
vo: where did you get your bachelor degree?
me: in ** university and I got my master degree in *** university...
vo: what your plan after you graduate?
me: I plan to come back to china and find a research position.
vo: what the urbanization rate in China?
me: (汗,没有准备这个问题,凭记忆随便答了一个数字)
vo: So there are ** percent of people live in cities.
me: yes. (哎,希望没有答错,否则真是丢人)
vo: please tell you specific plan. Every one tell me that they want to be a researcher.
这时候看见他已经把把条拿在手里,然后把我的offer letter, G\T成绩单一张一张往外递。不过由于开始那个jj一直说这个vo多可怕,所以心里还是担心他最后不把白条给我。
me: I want to find a position in Peking University. Peking University wants to build a world class university, so it wants to attract more student from abroad......
vo: I don't want to listen
me: Thank you!