咯噔 发表于 2005-8-17 16:02:27


forevera 发表于 2005-8-17 16:40:44


23435200(clylize) 16:44:27
要是他要参加 每天要写作文 也要每天改

咯噔 发表于 2005-8-17 16:40:54

Are the public figures destined to be troubled by the problem of lack of privacy? The question raises several issues about both personal and social problems. I concede that public figures, as normal individuals, to some extent can have their private life. On balance, however, I agree with the point since it is the requirement of both their occupations and the public.
First, my proposition is substantiated by the nature of their job which is of no efficiency, or rather even of no need to exist, if public do not pay any attention to them. Consider, for example, Lincon, the illumenent polititian and president who accomplished the abolition of slavery and avoided the nation’s disintegration. It is through speech around the nation and some moving but true stories---these stories have impressed people, either from north or south, with Lincon’s subliminal figure---that Lincon encouraged the whole nation and wined his preposition great support. Now much information has been left about what Lincon like or dislike, illustrating how people at that time get to know him and trust in him---by enjoying caring about his private life.
Second, another important if not the vital, reason to explain my proposition is the consideration of the role, of growing significance to a nation, that the public media takes. Consider the two tasks of mass-media, to entertain the public and to superintend the several people who may have too much prorogue, it has no choice but too focus on the privat life of public figures. After all, as the mass-media is now competent to these two jobs, winning the honor of uncrowned king, every aspects of the famous people’s life is certainly exposed too much to the public.
However, as sentiment sometimes varies according to the different qualifications given, some adverse notions may be justified. For example, a negation, resulted from the inconveniece that the public care has brought to the illuminates’ life, may be put forth. Or consider that the public figures are more and more aware of the attention they draws, the image that they send to us through television, newspapers or others are more possibly to be pretentous. Albeit all these suggestions seems reasonable to some extent, they only play a supplementary, if any, role, far from undermining my positive attitude.
In sum, as my contention performed above, while in theory public figures can enjoy their private life, I fundlementally agree that the public figure should have no complaints when they lose some of their privacy.

Theo 发表于 2005-8-17 21:09:48


看了qq的留言,pp3确实是可以用的,我开始也没有能打开,但是你在“开始”菜单中找到你新安装的pp3就可以进去了。进去后有一项是 practic sth.. 点击,然后里面有个keyboard 什么什么的,点击就好了。


popsywinter 发表于 2005-8-17 21:26:44

今天的作业,argu 159,请指点.



beck0729 发表于 2005-8-17 22:52:59

issue4 第一次写也是第一次计时,请大家指教


naturalbeau 发表于 2005-8-17 22:58:41

issue 154

naturalbeau 发表于 2005-8-17 23:03:25

argument 117

popsywinter 发表于 2005-8-18 00:02:06

今天的Issue. 父母是否应该参与教育的那篇


forevera 发表于 2005-8-18 00:10:00

今天的作业  issue17 法律公正的问题

kiona 发表于 2005-8-18 19:07:20

9月13号 哈尔滨

juliegogo 发表于 2005-8-18 20:49:22




naturalbeau 发表于 2005-8-18 21:37:47


clylize 发表于 2005-8-18 23:40:57

这个的例子不是很好 麻烦大家帮我多看看 想想还可以怎么写

forevera 发表于 2005-8-19 09:29:32


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