Joyce111 发表于 2006-6-3 22:32:55

6.3 北京 F1 1000 MS-Financial Markets 部分奖 Rejected

朋友是美女,去学Financial Markets,转专业,原来学的是信息系统管理。去IIT,有40%tuition waiver.


Me: Good morning, Ma’am.
VO: Good morning, speak English.
Me: OK.
VO: So you will go to xxx to study finance?
Me: Yes, Financial Markets.
VO: Why do you choose this school and this major?
Me: I started to know about this school from one of my senior who is now studying in xxx I have got a lot of information from her.
First, this program and its course fit my interest very well. You know my career goal is to become a well-educated and well-trained professional in tomorrow’s financial markets, now China is so lack of such kind of professionals in finance, so I believe with the master degree in Financial Markets got in the US, it is easy for me to find a good job in China. And this program has three concentrations, financial engineering, one of its concentrations is just the one I like to pursue on.
Second, this school has a high reputation in the field of quantitative finance(忘给她看ranking sheets了); it has some very good professor in this field, xxx it’s a great honor of mine to study under him.
That’s all. (VO一边看我一边听,未打断)
VO: Which school do you go now?(可能吧,我没听清楚,pardon了两遍) Have you graduated?
ME: Not yet, I will graduate this coming July.
VO: What is your undergraduate major?
Me: Information Management.
VO: Why do you change your major?
Me: I find my real interest is in finance, the major in my undergraduate focus more on information technology, and the major in the US focus more on financial modeling, they have quite a lot of common things. So it is not hard for me to finish the master study in the US.
VO: Can I see your offer letter?
ME: Yes, and the school give me 40% tuition waiver, do you want to see my scholarship letter.
VO: No.
VO: (接着问)You said that your parents will sponsor your expense, can I see you deposit certificate?
ME: yes, by the way, I prepared an asset list; do you wanna have a look?
VO: Ok. And here is the offer letter and scholarship letter(递上去了,但没给她看deposit certificate,ASSET LIST 上的钱比I20和deposit certificate的要多)
ME: Do you want to see my bank Books?
VO: YES. (递上去后,她自己翻)
VO: Do you have taken toefl?
ME: Of course.
VO: Can I see your toefl score?
Me: yes, I also have GMAT score, do you want to see?
VO: No.(连TOEFL都看的特认真)
VO:What’re your parents’ jobs? Do you have their work and salary certificate?
ME:  Yes, My parents all work in xxx, My parents both are engineers (好象外国人觉得中国的engineer挣得和很少,出来听说的),and here is their work and income certificate.(VO接过来,仰着头算了算)。
VO: 有房产证吗?(说上中文了,我在asset list上写了,所以她就要了)
ME: Yes, I bring them and there you go. (两张)
VO: (翻开开,她好象每个材料看的都很认真,然后指着我的ASSET LIST说) You parents will spend almost their savings to support your study…
ME: (没等她说完,我就回) Oh, actually, it can not spend that much(我应该说还有的,可是又没带,只觉得用不着那么多,我出示有两年多的费用都够了), and that’s not a problem, to study in the US in one of my dream, and with the master degree got in the US, I will have a right future in China when I come back, my parents totally agree with me, it’s worthy of investment.(VO一直听,还点头)
ME: Can you tell me why? I can make things better next time.
VO: I am sorry I cannot(扔我张214b), hope you can come next time…
ME: Ok, Thank you. (走人)


[ 本帖最后由 kevinhrm 于 2006-6-3 22:54 编辑 ]

swm 发表于 2006-6-3 22:34:52


eutsing 发表于 2006-6-3 22:39:02

恩,强调回国的回报,和在资金问题上下点功夫吧。而且我觉得几个重要的问题都答得不是很具体。Bless 2K

kevinhrm 发表于 2006-6-3 22:41:32


twy29 发表于 2006-6-3 22:41:39

是资金的问题  还是  专业的问题呢?

stonexu1984 发表于 2006-6-3 22:44:12


婉约 发表于 2006-6-3 22:49:46

是黑长发MM吗,我的就是她签的,我们那组基本都过了,确实她好象很看重钱和回国计划问题,应该在这些问题上主动make sure,我的感觉是,当时她也是看财力证明的时候表情凝重,我就主动跟她介绍我的财力状况的...

婉约 发表于 2006-6-3 22:53:03


momom 发表于 2006-6-3 23:01:30


Joyce111 发表于 2006-6-3 23:03:11

是在BJ 6月3日 早上7:15

kevinhrm 发表于 2006-6-3 23:10:12


polomercury 发表于 2006-6-3 23:57:21


lucidlucy 发表于 2006-6-4 01:24:35


Joyce111 发表于 2006-6-4 05:15:54

原帖由 kevinhrm 于 2006-6-3 23:10 发表
2。资金上的确有问题,可能你父母的收入不是很高,让VO觉得读书这样的花费 ...


hawk_1436 发表于 2006-6-4 08:58:07

页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: 6.3 北京 F1 1000 MS-Financial Markets 部分奖 Rejected