SH 6-12 2000 1/4 aid 文科 rej,请大家看看还有的救不@@
V: ma?
M: yeah
V: @#$%^
M: U mean my major? Heritage management.
V: who will support u?
M: my parents, and I also got a project assistantship from the International Center of East Asian Archaeology and Culture History, 25k$, almost 30% percent of all the expenses. My parents pay for the others.
V: But, not on I-20, 指I-20给我看
M: yeah, because it is a project grant in ICEAACH from Mellon foundation, not a scholarship from the graduate school. So my advisor wrote me a supporting letter.
V: 推DS表等出来,WHERE?
M: It is in your hand,。vo看。You can skip to the last paragraph, the professor mentioned the amount there.
V: 摇头。what you father and mother do? 查电脑。
M: my father is an associated president in * county, Shanxi, earns 5700/m; my mom is a senior lecture in high school, earns 5400/m. 70000 and 60000 annually. These are there tax receipt, income certificate, 放在入口处,we also did notarization,举起来给她看。
V: I cannot give u the visa. I do not think the 25k$ is a guarantee.
M: But the professor mentioned it clearly in the letter, also my parents has bank certificate of 80k$. I also made a summary. 塞资产list和银行存款证明。Vo不看
V: I cannot give you the VISA. I do not think ur family can afford it.
M: BUT the money is enough, 80k+25k. My parents worked for more than 25 years. That is their savings.
V: 敲章
去年本科毕业BU考古的Phd,6-10 sh rej. By 胖jfmm
m: morning, madam
vo: morning, so which university?
m:boston u, for my degree in arch, ma is available in bu
vo:? phd or ma?
m: phd i prefer
vo:why bu?
m: the dept of arch in bu is perfect and my advisor is famous in chinese arch; boston have full cultural offerings, lots of museums and good universities there.
vo: 点头your interest?
m: my special interest is chinese arch
vo:h ow long will u get ur phd degree
m: 60 monthes as the i-20 said. but ma is avilable
vo: what do your father and mother do?
m: my father is a assistant president and works for government, my mo is a teacher
vo: what kind of teacher
m: teach agriculture in an agricultural school
m:i made a checklist, easier for both of us, 塞
m: pls have a look of the statement for visa officer from bu
vo: why they pay so much money for u to pursue a degree in such a major
m: well, i love arch since a little girl, interested in what happened in the long history. phd degree in arch is my dream and our dream.这里绝对是脑子搭住了,后来又说there are few chinese archeologist had been trained as a phd student in us, i am urgently needed, vo老里八早不理我了。噻,看来即便是女vo也不要期望单纯靠感动博取承认,我大概文科读多了很不现实的。
vo: how can they afford u in such a low social position
m: but their jobs are stable and as the statement said i can apply the major foundation this sep. after entering bu
vo: nono, we do not consider possible things
m: i have been recommended for fellow this year and i am a good candidate, it is quite possible for me to get funds this fall
vo: u have not understand me, possible is nothing
m: that is a major foundation for Asian arch
m: sorry 微笑等了一会儿,再继续说
but the funds is more than enough for a ma degree. when i am back i will...
m: everyone has his properties in life, really(语气轻柔呵呵)
vo:准备盖章并说,ur parents earn 1wd/y, and the fee is more that 4wd/y, how can the afford u?
m:继续**不怕**烫了,the funds is enough for a degree...
vo: also i do not think u will be back
m: but u even have not ask me about it
vo:... u'd better leave, do not waste our time, so busy...
m: thank u收东西走人
1, 来自项目的资助没有进入I-20,那么今年和去年签证的差别就是PHDàMA。教授很好人的帮我去联系ISSO看是否有办法让项目资助进I-20但是还没回音。
2, BU太贵,48+K$/Y。VO认为我父母的工作不足以支持。
3, 会不会因为这次是新手vo,她会比较认可原vo的评判而不轻易对我做重新评估?去年的胖金发不会是夫领事吧?
4, 我觉得对答准备是充分的,但是自己不懂怎么把握2000,没有争取到面签的主动,所以vo都不给机会说也不听。
5, 我觉得据签记录里面,父母工作收入会是很大的原因,但是这个即便再签我也没办法弥补的。何况进入拒签纪录,肯定不能改口了。
6, 难道是专业问题???所以我这次一上来就说了遗产管理阿。。。或许失误在应该立刻就解释heritage management is more practicle, and will be urgently needed in China in the near future, for the no. of heritages in China ranks 3 in the world.
真得很想去读!bu的遗产管理很好的,这个方向我也喜欢,以后在国内发展也不错的,教授也nice>.< 先顶 从资金方面找的茬儿...
我觉得下次可以不可以阐明一下你的父母那儿的资金的产生的过程?VO似乎对这个point一直揪着不放,争取把这儿解决的。 而且,第一次签的时候,VO已经怀疑你有移民倾向了,下次这个point也要解决好。
祝你下次成功 祝你成功吧. GOOD LUCK! 要有信心!好好准备一定行! 我也是6.12 3000过的! 你从PhD转MA,VO还是挺感冒的,所以2000一上来,VO就问了"MA?" 你的1000在资金上出现了问题,VO肯定做了记录,而2000你没有致力于解决家庭存款历史记录的问题,你回答中提到 “my father is an associated president in * county, Shanxi, earns 5700/m; my mom is a senior lecture in high school, earns 5400/m. 70000 and 60000 annually. These are there tax receipt, income certificate, 放在入口处,we also did notarization,举起来给她看。” 似乎你从头到尾没有出示存折/存单这些最有信服力的evidence,存款证明和父母收入证明只是一方面,但不是最权威的,最能证明资助人存款历史的,还是存折/存单这些银行方面official的材料 首先谢谢bm收精,谢谢大家的回复和分析
2,转MA,是因为BU考古的Phd只有考古一个方向,而MA有遗产管理等三个方向。当然也是考虑到去年rej, 觉得MA会对家里负担比较轻。当然这个我没有能够给VO解释
3,楼上那位3000 PASS的GX先^^能否告诉我一些更具体的情况呢?非常感谢^^
3000 pass 可能性有多大? 应该怎么应对呢?
再次感谢大家,并祝晚安^^ 记得以前看到的一个一挪一挪的写的贴子,讲得很透彻,是说自费为什么比较难的问题。
所以我觉得LZ关键得把这个问题解决了,最好3000一开始就说I have a big change, last time你们不相信。。。(把他们的拒你的思路说一下),然后。。。
至于怎么个CHANGE法,我还没想出来(表打我),等待高手~~~ 首先,怎么证明你有$25k的assistantship? 光有导师的support letter不够权威吧。要我也不信。因为没有在I-20上写明。 我觉得这是一个很大的问题。 一定要解决。难道ICEAACH没有official的文件吗? bless you