我是学法律的,国内硕士最后一年,美国LL.M,全自费,成都签证。第一次6月8日被一号壮男拒了,6月20日哈里波特手下签过。以下是二签的经过:vo:Why us?
me:I believe to study in us is an efficent step in my career plan. You know,I want to be an international lawyer, so I must understand my opportunity: douring my practice, there are so many Chinese clients who have cooperation with Americans, and so many Americans who have investment in China, so I think I would be more compent if I can understand American Law well.
vo:Do you have work experience as a lawyer?
me:Well, no. But I have work experience as an Internship, and I have passed the national bar.
vo: Why two master?
me: Well, as a matter of fact I do not care about the Master's Degree. The only thing that really matters is that I want to understand American Law well, so that I might be more competent in my practice.
vo:How long will you stay in US?
me: 10 months.
vo: Who will support you during this time?
me:My parents.
vo:Could I see your certificate of funds?
vo:Come here at 4:00 this afternoon.
me:Thank you very much, sir! And have a nace day!(大声地说,有点激动)
建议签友首先把资金证明准备充分,尤其是房产证(自费者切要注意),然后想好自己的规划,这不只是为了签证,更重要的是为了自己的未来。一个明确的留学目标是自己真正的财富。:):) 恭喜! 谢谢版主! gxgx! 很有帮助啊 恭喜恭喜!