pewcg8 发表于 2006-7-12 19:56:44


cpuliuwen 发表于 2006-7-12 20:57:03


缪斯之心 发表于 2006-7-12 22:58:42

论点:勉强认同艺术家本人是杰作的来源。但是, 论者的观点失于片面。
正:艺术家是杰作的原创者,没有艺术家批评活动就无从说起。没有艺术家的作品,批评家就无从归纳流派,无从分析作品意义。艺术具有不可 模拟的原创性和独特性,艺术家作品是自身艺术修养与文化社会心理积淀而成的产物,当然,犹如神助的灵感也是必不可少的。
此外,艺术 体现了人类对世界的再现和对未知探索,不仅反映了人类所共有的喜怒哀乐,也以它独有的理想主义精神诠释了我们几千年文明的光荣与梦想,痛苦与困惑。经典的艺术作品永远反映着人性的各个方面。这也是艺术永恒的魅力所在,也是艺术家对society 的something of lasting value.
散:论者对什么是持久价值定义模糊,如果是单纯审美意义上的价值,则应主要归功于艺术家。但如果从推动人类文明进程这个宏大目标来说,批评家的功劳也是必不可少的。正是不同国家的评论者,热情翻译和传播了世界艺术宝库 中的优秀作品,使不同文明得到了交融,互相取长补短.这样才产生了诸如比较文学等站在全球立场上的新兴学科。

缪斯之心 发表于 2006-7-12 23:00:06

Creation supposes a creator. I concede that artist is the creator of the outstanding works, and so he or she provides something of lasting value to society. However, I disagree with the statement in two respects. First, in other ways the critic can call our attention to a lot of artists. In most cases, many of them don't know how to give publicity to their work. Second, Criticism carries other equally important benefits as well, especially in the progress in civilization.

I agree with the statement insofar as through the masterpieces was root in the artist's hard-working. It is the creative minds replete of erratic ideas that add hue to our quotidian life. Like Andre Gide once said “Art is collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.”No artists, no great pieces of work; No artists, no movements be summed up by critics. No artists, no rich senses of the transaction between writer and reader. Besides, art relefects the world around us, it is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth. The classical works are not only image the job, anger, grief and happiness we have, but also annul our civilization's rough way to ideality, so singularly checkered with good and evil, with glory and disgrace. The outstanding artwork provides an invaluable and unique mirror of the humanity and culture, this is the magic of all great poetry, novels, music, and movies; this is what we call something of lasting value for the society.
However beneficial it might be to appreciate the significant handwork of the artist, it is equally important to understand and appreciate that the critic also offers a lot to society. The artists are always idealists through and through, they need help to publicize their work, interpret their advancing thoughts. Then the critic appears. It is especially true when the artist is young and unknown. For instance, T.S.Eliot, living in London, worked as a teacher and bank clerk .He didn’t know who he was until he met his countryman Ezra Pound, who read Eliot's poems and responded enthusiastically. With the help and encouragement of Ezra Pound, Eliot's poetry began to appear in English and American magazines. Pound regarded Eliot as a truly modern poet who had developed an extraordinarily original idiom; he cut a third of ‘waste land” then published the great poetry, that's the origin of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948. The literary world will never see this masterpiece without the selfless help of this great citric. Technological innovations have taken place, but the spirit of human being is still fragile. We need sympathy or a speculation for the vulnerability of the ordinary human being. Only great art work can give us that. Like Ezra Pound said himself: “ Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball of light in one's hand.” The power exists in the Beethoven's symphonic form as well as the thin figures of a young banker clerk. Someone must take part in the discovery. Don't you think on one can do this work better than a critic?

Another problem with the statement is that it undervalues other, equally important benefits of the work done by the critic. The statement gives a dubious definitionof "lasting value”. The universal human being yearning for something permanent, everlasting, without shadow of change. Undoubtly, the timeless beauty of the work is attributed to artist. However, the critic also plays an important role in the progress in civilization. Every society has its own bundle of values, cultures, and mores which most of its members share.  The art work reelects all aspects above. Most important of all, if intercultural exchange doesn't take place; the progress of civilization can't come true either. It is the critic who introduces the great artwork to his or her country's readers, sometimes they even translate it. What with their hard work in intercultural criticism and what with globalization, we become more and more aware of the mix of cultures. Meanwhile,
some new subjects emerge as the times require, for instance, comparative literature.

To sum up, the speaker's claim overstates the importance of the artist, at least to some extent. The creativity from artist provide the enjoy of spirit, but criticism from critic may lead people
into a fretful state . They both give society something of lasting value. Their art activity helps us to formulate informed values and ideals for ourselves, inspires us to great achievement, and helps us appreciate how beautiful our life is.

morallrey 发表于 2006-7-13 07:44:01

Issue 144 "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."
*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
word:523 time:60ms



    I'm totally in favor of the viewpoint in the issue above that it's the artist ,not the critic who gives society something of lasting value , which I consider would remain in the art permanently and bring to the world some everlasting influence .To articulate this viewpoint ,I have thought of several points elaborated below.

     First of all , art was originally created by artist and it's only them who possess the authority to convey the power contained in arts to the society and then develop its value in people's life . Just as we can appreciate and utilize some work especially certain art on the basis that we are permitted by their authors ,We have to pay great honor to the artists who have devised such great work as oil painting , marble figure, or magnificent architecture etc ,for without them such marvelous creature cannot be born .Nevertheless , critic only play the role that disinter the value contained in the art  in order to make it more explicit and let people accept them somewhat correctly and easily. However, the value in the art was not altered in fact , since critic only discover but artist does invent ,which is the basic discrepancy.

   Furthermore ,it's artists who endow life and spirit to their art ,but critic only render the art vigorous .What makes a work everlasting it's not ephemeral critique ,but the glorious idea hiding behind the art .For example ,the famous music composer Subert once composed a comely ditty called wild rose. who were not commended by his contemporary , but after years went by ,its charm exposed and people feel great sympathy for this great composer who have devoted his life to music to earn his life but finally was tortured to death by the cruelty of fortune .As an aphorism goes ,"True art will be luminous with time flying ".Whatever the remarks imposed on art ,its glory can't be erased.

    Finally ,critic also make some contribution to the society, for some critique was itself so-called  arts ,and some high level critique not only discover the value of the arts it comment ,but also creat some original idea that make the arts more glorious , hence it also contain some credible value ,however this value is always linked with the arts on which it's established ,so it not a independent value , but only attributes to the arts .For instance, some critiques on dream on the red attic ,one of the most famous classic literature in china, are very eloquent ,but they only belong to the glory of this famous literature .So a new art is a new region , everything in this region only reflect its attribution.

      To sum up ,the comparatively more important producer of lasting value is artist ,for their work can alter our world directly. However, Critic only play some minor role in creating lasting value, for their work is affiliated to art, so would be influential only when art exist .Their value is to give the art whether authentic or fake judgement , which is not value society need most, and will not be lasting.

[ 本帖最后由 morallrey 于 2006-7-14 18:32 编辑 ]

sophy1231 发表于 2006-7-13 15:44:41



莎拉 发表于 2006-7-13 18:51:18

之前写的 也贴上来吧

1.        选择好作品
2.        专业评价
3.        桥梁作用(连接作者和大众)

quechuaqi 发表于 2006-7-15 13:00:43


fenghua9801 发表于 2006-7-15 18:25:29


3 艺术家比评论家重要的原因


lastgoal 发表于 2006-7-16 19:21:05


position:partly agree
1 艺术家的原创性,他们看问题的视野和深度比寻常人广阔和深刻,能够发现社会问题,这些作品有历史价值。举了现实主义文学中的几个例子。
2 艺术作品往往能够反映人类共同的一些问题。如:对美的欣赏,和艰苦的命运抗争,以及爱情等亘古不变的话题。
3 由于艺术作品往往是对现实生活的抽象或者是借助了艺术家的想象,一般人往往难深刻理解它们,这就需要评论家的翻译。举了picasso,guernica得例子。

清新氧气 发表于 2006-7-18 21:34:42

我迟到的ISSUE144 用了balance的观点 欢迎大家批评

我的提纲是中庸的观点,即两方面都非常重要 艺术家创造了永恒的价值 而批评家是使这些价值为大众所理解接受,使得艺术作品的价值在一代代批评家的检验之下得以保存而永恒
1 艺术家很重要, 因为创作价值,用了一系列的例子,最后分别细化到shakespeare&li bai
2 批评家也很重要,因为他们传播和保存价值,同时很多批评家本身也是艺术家
3 最后,虽然部分不合格的批评家延迟了艺术的价值发现, 但是艺术的价值就是通过这样的检验才能保存下来

[ 本帖最后由 清新氧气 于 2006-7-18 21:36 编辑 ]

Emmanuelle 发表于 2006-7-20 12:17:58



hzdd2003 发表于 2006-8-7 15:20:50


climate 发表于 2006-8-15 13:36:54


TOPIC: ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

主要同意作者的观点  主体分三段展开

第一段说明artist比critic重要因为critique来源于aritistic work,先有aritistic work才有critique

自己写作水平有限,没怎么使用长句子,也没有高级词汇,希望大家给出批评意见,谢谢啦! :)

climate 发表于 2006-8-15 22:35:18

issue144 修改了之后的文章

TOPIC: ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

提纲:有保留的同意 主体分三段展开
第一段说明artist比critic重要因为critique来源于aritistic work,先有aritistic work才有critique
页: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6
查看完整版本: 0610G同主题写作第一期——Issue144