cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 16:52:29




[ 本帖最后由 huster 于 2007-6-20 11:10 编辑 ]

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 16:58:05 behaves rationally get the most out of emotions; the individual compelled by emotions get out of the most rationality
get the most out of 与
get out of the most怎么翻译呢?

get the most out of最有效的使用
R cM?E发挥...最大功效

2.When the object is optimal resource allocation, that combination of legal methods should be used that most nearly yields the allocation that would exist if there were no external costs resulting from allocating resources through market activity. F _0X2D*y3h0k

主句that combination of legal methods should be used that most nearly yields the allocation
把第二个that 看成 the 就OK了
that combination of legal methods should be used为主语从句做主语谓语YIELDS

[ 本帖最后由 cw025 于 2006-9-17 17:25 编辑 ]

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 16:59:29

3.In this context, complexity may be defined as the property of a real-world system, revealed by the impossibility to catch all its characteristics by means of a formal approach.
.请问各位,“revealed by the impossibility to catch all its characteristics by means of a formal approach.”中revealed的主语(对应词)是哪个?

revealed在 may be 之后

4.Great comic art is never otherwordly, it does not seek to mysitify us, and it does not deny ambiguity by branding evil whatever differs from good. Great comic artists assumes that truth may bear all lights, and thus they seek to accentuate contradictions in social action, not gloss over or trnascend them by appeals to extrasocial symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose, or laws of nature.

就是说Great comic art不是异世界的东西,不迷惑我们,也不否认不精确的区分善恶这种做法。Great comic artists认为真理总有根据,因此寻求强调社会行为中的矛盾,而不是掩盖或者超越这些矛盾;而掩盖超越使用的是超社会神的终结,宇宙的目的和自然的法则。

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:01:17

5.There are, of course, very significant differences between fairy tales and dreams. For example, in dreams more often than not the wish fulfillment is disguised, while in fairy tales much of it is openly expressed.

中间的句子是倒装形式,应该是fulfillment is disguised more often than not the wish,意思就是在梦境中fulfillment更多的是被无意识的掩盖,而在神话故事中它则被公开的表现。fulfillment在这里不知道怎么解释,是义务的意思吗?

wish fulfillment: 愿望满足
more often than not : 时常

6.Many critics of Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a "romantic" reading receives more confirmation. (1). according to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights?|
a. the second part has received more attention from critics
b. the second part has little relation to the first part
c. the second part annuls the force of the first part
d. the second part provides less substantiation for a "romantic" reading
e. the second part is better because it is more realistic8_ A/V
P先请问下这句话是啥意思啊? counterpoint意为钢琴对位法 在这句话里又是什么意思?
题目答案为d,我选的是a  是说第一部分与第二步分有抵触,所以第一部分"romantic",所以第二部分就 less "romantic"?

Many critics see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, the first part, where a "romantic" reading receives more confirmation.]这样应该能看懂了吧。

[ 本帖最后由 cw025 于 2006-9-17 17:26 编辑 ]

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:02:22

7.The first purely synthetic oil, as distinct from secondary synthetic oil such as those derived from coal, has yet to be produced.到底是说这种The first purely synthetic oil 造出来了还是没造出来啊?相当困惑。谢谢解答

有点意思  我认为还没有造出来  但是希望在近期能造出来或者已经在造但还没有出来

8句子结构很简单,但是逻辑搞不清楚。。寄托家园i M ] r*d
XDespite these vague categories, one should not claim unequivocally that hostility between recognizable calsses cannot be legitimately observed.寄
我的理解:0w d W)f h M%x


cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:06:31

9.Plato--- who may have understood better what forms the mind of man than do some of our contemporaries who want their children exposed only to "real" people and everyday events----- knew what intellectual experiences make for humanity.
我看到这个句子就郁闷了。。文章第一句。。文章讲的是 meaning and importantance of fairy tales 句子抽象词比较多。请大家知道的帮忙翻译下。谢谢

不需要读懂, 只需要把逻辑读出来就可以了
1. 至少这里可能暗示文章的topic是what forms the mind of man
2. plato和our contemporaries存在比较, 是bette
3. our contemporaties的观点是children exposed only to...
4. plato know intellectual experience make for humanity, 至于具体这个是怎么样的, 我猜下文一定展开这里

Plato--- who may have understood better what forms the mind of man than do some of our contemporaries who want their children exposed only to "real" people and everyday events----- knew what intellectual experiences make for humanity.

Well, 可以这样理解,Plato本身是个比较思辨的人,所以他深知intellectual experience (个人认为指例如推理,归纳,分析这类的抽象的思维活动)对人类意味着什么,而我们现在的一些人却只让小孩接触一些daily events 和 "real" people (暗指那些人忽略了这种高层次的思维活动对小孩的重要性).作者对our contemporaries的态度是反对的,然后下面大概会写intellectual experience 的重要性吧...


10.Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government.

也可以做伴随状语用。解释为not companied

[ 本帖最后由 cw025 于 2006-9-17 17:28 编辑 ]

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:07:29

“Together, we will reclaim America's schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives.”
From The Inauguraion Speech of George W Bush.

together  呼吁大家一起的意思
reclaim    愿意废物回收 这里有挽救,改造的意思
iclaim     就是 拿走,取走。 也有报销的意思。
所以串在一起就是:  我们一起同心协力,改造美国的学校以防止更多的年轻人变得无知冷漠。

更正一下 :我们一起同心协力,改造美国的学校以防止无知和冷漠夺去更多年轻人的生命。

12. The physist rightly dreads precise argument, since an argument that si convincing only if it is precise leads all its force if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed, where as an argument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of its underlying assumptions.

It is only because of the enormous unterstellar distance that so little material per unit of volume becomes so significant.
请大家多多指教, 想了很久都觉得不知道怎么解释

物理学家不喜欢精确的 论断, 如果论断建立在精确之上,那么一旦他的基础稍微变他就会影响到它的效力。然而一个论断是建立在不精确之上的那么它将保持稳定尽管基础有些变化。

意思是, 单位体积中物质很少, 但空间很大总量也就多了。

[ 本帖最后由 cw025 于 2006-9-18 08:16 编辑 ]

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:08:48

13. because our government refuses to see this war for what it really is.we`re well on the road to defeat.
for what 的意思和用法有没有高手帮忙解释一下

the government refuses to discern the actual facts of the war and we r makin effort to defeat it...
u should not ask for the simple meaning of 'for what ' as a single phrase

for what 在这里不是当词组用的吧?what 只是一个普通宾语而已

14(This is) A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower.能不能告诉我这句话的谓语是什么,还有,杨鹏难句里将on the part of 翻译成“将其片面地理解为”,我实在是没看出来: )

我认为谓语是    might give away否则give away 的语态不对
另疑心a light that never was 后少了一词

这句不是个省略句吗?  主体就是this is a desire

没有少就是that never was这个句子需要专业背景,主要是说hardy的作品得impulse不够强烈

[ 本帖最后由 cw025 于 2006-9-18 08:17 编辑 ]

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:09:38

15. twice as many apples as orange


16.An intense, focused company-wide effort is sometimes needed to ensure a company's competitiveness, and even survival. 请问company-wide 如何解释?


[ 本帖最后由 cw025 于 2006-9-17 17:29 编辑 ]

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:10:46

17. from ETS: In fact,all positive numbers have two square roots that differ only in sign.
是不是可以理解为,如:根号16等于正负4? 懵了.

16=x^2 =>x=±√16=±4

18. Hardy was to some degree interested in exploring his characters' psychologies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy.


[ 本帖最后由 cw025 于 2006-9-17 17:31 编辑 ]

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:14:44

19.Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any possible correlation with the manifold dimensions of mental experience.
杨鹏难句里面说,such as在这里是被分割的固定搭配,但是我从小到大只学过such as在一起用表示例如,这里拆开了,同时后面的定语从句的主语也没有了(看样子应该是前面的 variations),实在有点不明白了。。。

as 引导定语从句,相当于that,所以后面没有主语
Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like (that had been demonstrated in nerve cells) remained negligible in significance for any possible correlation with the manifold dimensions of mental experience.

20adaptation is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian.中的that of 应该怎么理解?
The picture is that of the entrance of the girl into her husband's house.

that pron. 指代前面提到的adaptation, the adaptation of the...
同样, the picture of the...

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:17:51

21. Thomas Hardy's impulses as a writer, all of which he indulged in his novels, were numerous and divergent, and they did not always work together in harmony. Hardy was to some degree (5)interested in exploring his characters' psycholo- gies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy.(这里的sympathy应该怎么理解?理解成同情心似乎没有道理?) Occasionally he felt the impulse to comedy (in all its detached coldness) as well as the impulse to farce, but he was more often (10)inclined to see tragedy and record it. He was also inclined to literary realism in the several senses of that phrase。(in the several senses of 应该怎么翻译?phrase指的是什么呢?) He wanted to describe ordinary human beings; he wanted to speculate on their dilemmas rationally (and, unfortu- (15)nately, even schematically(这里schematically应该怎么翻译?如果翻译成示意性的与rationally有什么关系呢?)); and he wanted to record precisely the material universe. Finally, he wanted to be more than a realist. He wanted to transcend what he considered to be the banality of solely recording things exactly and (20)to express as well his awareness of the occult and the strange.
    In his novels these various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often. Inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the (25)way that novelists such as Flaubert or James cared, and therefore took paths of least resistance. Thus, one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared. (30)A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist- scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower.(throw over sth a light是一种习惯用法么?表示偏爱reality.之后的that代表什么呢?) In this (35)instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one, and thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style. But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous, risky, and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him (40)the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly. When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style-that sure index of an author's literary worth-was certain to become verbose. Hardy's weakness derived from his (45)apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. He submitted to first one and then another, and the spirit blew where (50)it listed; hence the unevenness of any one of his novels。(where it listed应该怎么翻译?“;”后面的结构是不是应该看成一个省略了谓语句子呢?)His most controlled novel, Under the Greenwood Tree, prominently exhibits two different but reconcilable impulses-a desire to be a realist-historian and a desire to be a (55)psychologist of love-but the slight interlock- ings of plot are not enough to bind the two completely together. Thus even this book splits into two distinct parts.
Thomas Hardy's impulses as a writer, all of which he indulged in his novels, were numerous and divergent, and they did not always work together in harmony. Hardy was to some degree (5)interested in exploring his characters' psycholo- gies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy.(这里的sympathy应该怎么理解?理解成同情心似乎没有道理?)[这句是对前一句的进一步解释,hardy的兴趣对人物心理不是来源于他对人物心理研究的好奇心,而是他对小说人物自身处境的同情心理。这个从写作技巧来说,有的作家是为了出于自身对于现实的同情而引发创作激情,而有的作家是为了拓展技巧,发展写作的形式。比如joyce的ulysess] Occasionally he felt the impulse to comedy (in all its detached coldness) as well as the impulse to farce, but he was more often (10)inclined to see tragedy and record it. He was also inclined to literary realism in the several senses of that phrase。(in the several senses of 应该怎么翻译?phrase指的是什么呢?) He wanted to describe ordinary human beings; he wanted to speculate on their dilemmas rationally (and, unfortu- (15)nately, even schematically(这里schematically应该怎么翻译?如果翻译成示意性的与rationally有什么关系呢?)); and he wanted to record precisely the material universe. Finally, he wanted to be more than a realist. He wanted to transcend what he considered to be the banality of solely recording things exactly and (20)to express as well his awareness of the occult and the strange.
    In his novels these various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often. Inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the (25)way that novelists such as Flaubert or James cared, and therefore took paths of least resistance. Thus, one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared. (30)A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist- scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower.(throw over sth a light是一种习惯用法么?表示偏爱reality.之后的that代表什么呢?)[句子的结构应该是a desire..might give way to the desire..,是对上一句的说明,前一个desire应该有倒装,a desire to throw a light that never was over reality,一种试图将虚构的解释置于现实之上的欲望可能仓促地取代(我们通常认为)小说家(象科学家)精确具体地纪录一朵花的结构和组织式创作欲望。这句感觉有点比喻性的说法,第一个desire对应虚构式的写作方法,后一个desire是传统作家的方法,这与第一段curiosity与sympathy相对应。] In this (35)instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one, and thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style. But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous, risky, and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him (40)the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly. When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style-that sure index of an author's literary worth-was certain to become verbose. Hardy's weakness derived from his (45)apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. He submitted to first one and then another, and the spirit blew where (50)it listed; hence the unevenness of any one of his novels。(where it listed应该怎么翻译?“;”后面的结构是不是应该看成一个省略了谓语句子呢?)[这句是对上一句的解释说明,前句说了hardy没有控制他自己不同冲动的能力,后句具体表现为他不断被一个接一个创作冲动而变化,it 指的是one..another,就是这些创作冲动中的激情。hence表示因此,因为hardy对创作失去控制力,因此他小说都存在一种失衡状态。小说应该讲究布局和叙述的轻重,而hardy可能对于某个情节或人物存在强烈的偏好,而过多笔墨造成小说的冗余或喧宾夺主] His most controlled novel, Under the Greenwood Tree, prominently exhibits two different but reconcilable impulses-a desire to be a realist-historian and a desire to be a (55)psychologist of love-but the slight interlock- ings of plot are not enough to bind the two completely together. Thus even this book splits into two distinct parts.

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:18:51

22. adaption is that of tadpolelike appendicularian.
   这是那个难句的主干,我想问一下,that of这里怎么解释呢?

(A very specialized feeding) adaptation (in zooplankton) is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian {who lives in a walnut – sized (or smaller) balloon of mucus }.

23. Some modern anthropologists hold that biological evolution has shaped not only human morphology but also human behavior. The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of human behavior but one of imposing constraints- ways of feeling, thinking, and acting that "come natu- rally" in archetypal situations in any culture. Our "frailties" -emotions and motives such as rage, fear, greed, gluttony, joy, lust, love-may be a very mixed assortment, but they share at least one immediate quality: we are, as we say, "in the grip" of them. And thus they give us our sense of constraints.
Unhappily, some of those frailties-our need for ever-increasing security among them-are presently maladaptive. Yet beneath the overlay of cultural detail, they, too, are said to be biological in direction, and therefore as natural to us as are our appendixes. (前面半句中说they are said to be biological in direction是什么意思呢?作者是想说这些frailties也跟着我们人类一起进化了么?)We would need to comprehend thoroughly their adap- adaptive origins in order to understand how badly they guide us now. And we might then begin to resist their pressure.

biological in direction不是说进化,而是说有进化上的生物意义,就好像阑尾那样可能因为生物的进化而适应或不适应。哎。。只是我的各人理解。

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:20:14

24. 帮我看一下下面这段话第二句里头一个It是"大西洋"还是形式主语,谢谢!!
The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific, but it is still very large. It is more than 4, 000 miles(6,000 km)wide where Columbus crossed it. Even at its narrowest it is about 2, 000 miles(3,200 km)wide.寄我觉得是指代前文提到的Atlantic Ocean,但是有个号称“名师辅导”的文章说那个It是形式主语,声称主语是后面的"where Columbus crossed it",我狂晕~~~~~ 大家帮我看看
寄Thanks a lot!

25. 这句话的主语是什么?
In the most common procedure for harvesting forage crops such as alfalfa, as much as 20 percent of the leaf and small-stem material...是20 percent 还是material?谢谢。

the leaf and small-stem material是主语吧

cw025 发表于 2006-9-17 17:22:00

26. The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890's that the discontent of farmland that had been developing steadily in the United States since about 1870 had been caused by the closing 6f the internal frontier -- that is, the exhaustion of available new land needed for further expansion of the American farming system. Not only was Turner's thesis influential at the time, it was later adopted and elaborated by other scholars, such as John D. Hicks in The Populist Revolt (1931). Actually, however, new lands were taken up for farming in the United States throughout and beyond the nineteenth century. In the 1890's when discontent of farmland had become most acute, 1,100, 000 new farms were settled, which was 500, 000 more than had been settled during the previous decade. After 1890, under the terms of the Homestead Act and its successors, more new land was taken up for farming than had been taken up for this purpose这里的thispurpose指的是什么?我觉得作者似乎一直在说agrarian discontent,没有说土地占用扩张还有其他的目的啊?) in the United States up until that time. It is true that a high proportion of the newly farmed land was suitable only for grazing and dry farming, but agricultural practices had become sufficiently advanced to make it possible to increase the profitability of farming by utilizing even these relatively barren lands.

The emphasis given by both scholars and statesmen to the presumed disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance of changes in the conditions and consequences of international trade that occurred during the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1869 the Suez Canal was opened and the first transcontinental railroad in the United States was completed. An extensive network of telegraph and telephone communications was spun: Europe was connected by submarine cable with the United States in 1866 and with South America in 1874. By about 1870 improvements in agricultural technology made possible the full exploitation of areas that were most suitable for extensive farming on a mechanized basis. Huge areas of land were being settled and farmed in Argentina, Australia, Canada, and in the American West, and these areas were joined with one another and with the countries of Europe into an interdependent .market system. As a consequence, depressions of farmland no longer were local or national in scope, and they struck several nations whose internal frontiers had not vanished or were not about to vanish. Between the early 1870's and the 1890's, the mounting(这个mounting怎么翻译? ) discontent of farmland in America paralleled the almost uninterrupted decline in the prices of American agricultural products on foreign markets. Those staple-growing(staple-growing怎么翻译?) farmers in the United States who exhibited the greatest discontent were those who had become most dependent on foreign markets for the sale of their products. Insofar as Americans had been hindered from taking up new land for farming, it was because market conditions had made this period a dangerous time in which to do so.

1 more new land was taken up for farming than had been taken up for this purpose  in the United States up until that time. 哥们,你这句话不能前后分开来看啊。。。他意思是“this purpose in the usa up until that time”,也就是,在此之前用于这一目的的量(in USA),也就是说这个purpose还是farming,只不过是那个XX act颁布之后farming与up unti那个时候之前的farming比,我做这片文章时这句话也是一下没看懂,被你这样插入语一弄更是一下闹不明白了。。哎,还好看了几遍想起来。l
2 mounting,增长,崛起,突显之意
3 staple-growing 主要农作物种植,大概就是粮食种植的意思吧
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