davidpan 发表于 2006-10-20 08:04:42

2006.10.19 F1 1000 pass!

呵呵! 忙了三个月,终于有了满意的结果,没有让我白忙活,和让家人操心。
签证那天很顺利,预约的早上8:00 在这之前已经签一批了。进去交完表‘按完手印后就排队等待,发现只有三个签证官,两男一女(一胖男带眼镜,一瘦男,一旁女),我在想会是哪个签我那个带眼镜签证官拒了一个商务签证(表情也很无奈)我这才发现今天是探亲和商务,学生很少。后来又开了一个窗口,是个瘦女,很面善,我是第二个,我前面的是一对老夫妻,去看女儿,pass,到我了,有些紧张,走上去,
me: good morning ,mam
vo: good morning.
vo: what are you going to do in US?
me: i will studying (major)in (uni)for my(degree)and get preparation for my future career when i get back to China.
vo: ok. what's you plan when you come back?
me: i will find a decent job in aome revalant governmental departments or maybe join one research institute.
vo: nice.(looking at my i-20) oh your tuition and living expenses will be *****$ who will pay your trip?
me: my family will pay my trip . do you wanna have a look at my certificates of deposits ?
vo: yes, i wanna to see everything about the money .
me: ok , (pass her the certificates of deposits,bank receipts, parents' incoming certificates )
vo: what does your mother do?
me: my mother works as a clerk in ****. (waiting for the next question )
vo:Congratulations ! you are accepted.(pass me a blue piece of paper)
me: thank you mam. thank you
vo you are welcome.
签时不要紧张,要沉住气, 千万别慌。 要注意vo的眼神,说话时要看着vo。 这很重要。签之前多想一些问题,多问自己个为什么。 只要自己能解释通 ,vo还是很讲道理的。

magic_zhao 发表于 2006-10-20 09:00:37


smallpony 发表于 2006-10-20 09:01:17



kevinhrm 发表于 2006-10-20 09:45:07


eerieelf 发表于 2006-10-20 12:13:24


wanter 发表于 2006-10-22 10:02:29


carrousel 发表于 2006-10-22 21:08:50

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