justforu 发表于 2006-10-20 14:22:51

some questions about SC

1.  Roy Wilkins was among the last of a generation of civil rights activists who led the nation through decades of change so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less to remember, what segregation was like.
(a) so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less to remember
(b) so profound that many young Americans cannot imagine, much less remember
(c) so profound many young Americans cannot imagine, nor even less remember
(d) of such profundity many young Americans cannot imagine, even less can they remember
(e) of such profundity that many young Americans are not able to imagine, much less to remember

the key to this question is B.

但是我弄不懂,MUCH LESS 怎么能把两个动词IMAGINE和REMEMBER连在一起呢?
还有一个问题是关于LEAD的, 如果LEAD接动词的话,是不是有两种:
1) lead to doing
2) lead sth to do


stephanie_sisu 发表于 2006-10-22 15:55:24

much less连接并列结构


wanghui_cohouse 发表于 2006-10-23 23:04:02

我做这题一看so...that就选了,都没注意后面的much less.

much less在金山词霸上的解释:
“Happiness is an emotion not often spoken of at the magazine, much less experienced”(Brendan Gill)

lead是及物动词和不及物动词,lead sth不用接to do也可以的。

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