wsjanej 发表于 2006-10-20 19:53:22

2006.10.20 沈阳F1 Chem Eng, Check

今天只有两个男Vo,见到可能是传说中的glassboy, charming, 哈哈。另一个只闻其声,未见其人。
Me: Good morning.
VO: 忘了有没有回答。Put you left hand index finger on the…(取指纹,我还以为用中文说呢)
Vo:Miss XXX, Why do you want to study at University of XXX?
Me: I want to continue to pursue my Ph.D degree.
VO: oh, you are a Ph.D student?
Me: I was a Ph.D student at XXX (开始说错了,说成以后的学校了,改了过来),my supervisor went to the University of XXX, and I follow him.
VO: Why do your supervisor go to US?
Me:(没有想过他问我别人的事情, 还en了一下,他重复一遍)en, I don’t know, maybe it is better for him…
Vo: what are you doing now?
Me: I just terminated my study at XXX, so have nothing to do…
Vo: When did you come back from XXX?
Me: just came back, in October.
Vo:Who will pay for your cost?
Me: The University of XXX, I get scholarship
VO: Ok, can I see your Toefl and Gre score, and your resume?
Me: 找,here you are
Vo:your Tofel is very good, 看完别的也没有说什么, 还给我
Vo: Have you published some paper?
Me: Not yet.
Vo:do you have some letters from your department?
Me: (递给他我的offer letter, 还是打印版的) here is my offer letter, and here is a letter from my supervisor(打印了一份老板给我的信)
Vo: ok, your major is Chemical Engineering, I need to check your background…说大约3个星期后通知你结果。飞出蓝表
Me:Ok. Do you need…(还没说什么Vo就说yeah. 我就奇怪他怎么知道我要给他什么东西 然后我给他我写的statement of intent).
Vo:把我材料订好have a nice day
Me: bye

交表的时候看到glassboy面的几个,一个老奶奶探亲,去过两次美国看孩子,但是Vo说她每次呆都超过半年是illegal的,拒了。另一个奶奶探亲,丈夫在国内,一个孩子在美国,两个在韩国,过了。一个女孩,可能是读本科,没有听清楚,是个institute. 听力口语不过关,glassboy说你有i-20英语就应该没有问题,拒了。

mengli1208123 发表于 2006-10-20 20:46:50


magic_zhao 发表于 2006-10-21 00:01:15

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