陈启俭 发表于 2006-11-16 19:16:02


Ordinary mountain sickness, a common condition among mountain climbers, and one from which most people can recover, is caused by the characteristic shortage of oxygen in the atmosphere at high altitudes. Cerebral edema, a rarer disruption of blood circulation in the brain that quickly becomes life-threatening if not correctly treated from its onset, can also be caused by a shortage of oxygen. Since the symptoms of cerebral edema resemble those of ordinary mountain sickness, cerebral edema is especially dangerous at high altitudes.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) The treatment for ordinary mountain sickness differs from the treatment for cerebral edema.
(B) Cerebral edema can cause those who suffer from it to slip into a coma within a few hours.
(C) Unlike cerebral edema, ordinary mountain sickness involves no disruption of blood circulation in the brain.
(D) Shortage of oxygen at extremely high altitude is likely to affect thinking processes and cause errors of judgment.
(E) Most people who suffer from ordinary mountain sickness recover without any special treatment.

这道题目先讲了ordinary mountain sickness怎么样的,然后又讲了cerebral edema是怎么样,它们两者有共同点就是symptoms of cerebral edema resemble those of ordinary mountain sicknes,所以如果不当心的话,就容易把cerebral edema 看成是ordinary mountain sickness那样的话is especially dangerous at high altitudes.
A.        选项,提出了一个假设,就是他们两者的医疗方法不同,因为如果相同的话,用治疗普通登山症的方法也可以治cerebral edema,就不会有危险了
B.         无关选项
C.         讲普通的登山症怎样,文中已经讲了,不是什么前提
D.        无关选项
E.         无关选项

我觉得这一道题答案应该选E,因为题目多处说明MOUNTAIN SICKNESS是很COMMON,是ORDINARY,大部分人都能够康复,因此他们碰到一种症状的时候就不大理会,也不会使用什么特别的治疗方法,结果等发现是cerebral edema,就危险了.
which of the following statements, if true, can support the argument?

fujiandme 发表于 2006-11-16 22:39:12


lionunicorn 发表于 2006-11-24 05:37:15


mystar 发表于 2006-11-26 21:49:39


hadrian80 发表于 2006-12-12 07:45:40

原帖由 陈启俭 于 2006-11-16 19:16 发表
which of the following statements, if true, can support the argument?

assumption的意义在于假设一个条件去support conclusion, 而support则是选出一个已经成立的条件去support conclusion
support和assumption在本质上其实是一样的, 甚至可以互换,做题时不必太计较
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