lintelle 发表于 2007-3-17 09:00:28





Apr 12, 2007 From #29, thanks to Larry
Back in 2001, when the actress Elizabeth Hurley announced that she was pregnant by Steve Bing, a Hollywood producer, only to have him question whether he was the baby’s father,(是不是应该用his啊?不明白什么意思~) the British tabloids pounced.

Apr 4, 2007 From #22
Their arrival is felt especially in Europe, but the rising star Xian Zhang, 33, was recently named associate conductor of the New York Philharmonic.(求解:What is “but” doing here? Aren’t these two parts of this sentence talking about the same phenomenon that Chinese conductors are bewared gradually in the recent years?)
Apr 4, 2007 From #22
The wellspring is China’s almost limitless pool of young musicians, a mounting number driven by increasing prosperity and nurtured by Chinese society’s desire to compete with the West. (求翻译。这句读着非常别扭啊~)

Mar 26, 2007 From #16
India’s public universities are often woefully underfinanced and strike-prone.
Mr. Butt to the rescue again!:loveliness:
India's pubilc universities are often traped with financial problems, THUS THE STUFF AND STUDENTS are more tended to strike.
Mar 19, 2007 From #10
“The rest of us are getting jerked around, and jacked around,”
from #13 lintelle
about this sentance, I asked my teacher Mr. Butt, he said that it means "we'll never get what we want." we are jerked around, we are treated as jerks; we are jacked around, we are kicked around like football, we are ignored. Overall, it means no one is taking our opinion seriously, we'll never get what we want.

From #2
Cultural tensions flare when he brings her home to meet his family, and the couple are expected to withhold any expressions of physical affection, according to Indian tradition.

[ 本帖最后由 lintelle 于 2007-4-12 23:51 编辑 ]

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-17 09:01:29

Modernity and Tradition at a Cultural Crossroads -- movie The Namesake's review ... .html?th&emc=th

Her lush palette lends her films a throbbing physicality that invites you to step into the screen and embrace the sensuous here and now.

The longing for roots of these displaced middle-class Indians lends a soulful undertow to a film conspicuously lacking in melodrama.(就是这句给我发这个帖的念头啊~undertow. 这个单词记住了。)

......and the Gogol story becomes a totem in his life, a symbolic tie to his homeland and an omen of good luck.

As the boy grows up, his ambivalence about his temporary name, which he embraces, then rejects (his formal name is Nikhil), becomes a metaphor for his divided cultural identity.

Cultural tensions flare when he brings her home to meet his family, and the couple are expected to withhold any expressions of physical affection, according to Indian tradition.

Avoiding the cliché of pitting disobedient immigrant children in pitched battles against tradition-bound parents from the old country, the film assumes that blood ties are the strongest bonds holding together the social order.

But instead of disappearing, Ashoke and Ashima loom as dignified, stabilizing pillars of tolerance and devotion whom their son and his younger sister, Sonia (Sahira Nair), cherish, even as they reject the old ways.

vocabulary: architecture solidarity undertow loom

[ 本帖最后由 lintelle 于 2007-3-18 13:15 编辑 ]

NETEM 发表于 2007-3-17 09:06:19

coocooper 发表于 2007-3-17 09:21:24


lintelle 发表于 2007-3-17 09:35:28

Guidelines for Using a Cellphone Abroad

T-Mobile charged him $5 a minute to roam in Tanzania. (a useful little tip~ :))

To protect against fraud, American cellphones are typically blocked from making calls when used abroad. Before traveling, call your provider and ask to have that restriction removed. (another tip~)

And if you take your American phone overseas, make sure that its battery charger is dual voltage; without one, all the effort to get your phone to work in other countries may go up in smoke the first time you plug it in.

vocabulary: heed roam fraud

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-17 12:38:58

China Backs Property Law, Buoying Middle Class

The measure, which was delayed a year ago amid vocal opposition from resurgent socialist intellectuals and old-line, left-leaning members of the ruling Communist Party, is viewed by its supporters as building a new and more secure legal foundation for private entrepreneurs and the country’s urban middle-class home and car owners.

Despite a high level of interest among intellectuals and businessmen and the unexpected decision last year to withdraw the measure from the legislative agenda at the last minute, neither leader has spoken about the matter publicly.

Yet the conspicuous silence of Mr. Hu and Mr. Wen appears to be a form of tribute to the influence of current and former officials and leading scholars who argue that China’s economic policies have fueled corruption and enriched the elite at the expense of the poor and the environment.

vocabulary: buoy explicit pliant conspicuous compromise consensus petition assertion proponent

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-18 00:35:17

Rising Trouble With Mortgages Clouds Dream of Owning Home

That may sound at odds with a bedrock notion of society promoted by presidents for decades.

And their payments will get higher, Mr. Zandi estimates, as low teaser rates used to lure them into the market adjust upward after a few years.

“I wish people could own more homes,” he said in an interview yesterday. “But I also wish I could eat and not gain weight.” (nice metaphor~)

vocabulary: bedrock refinance surge lure asset problematic

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-18 00:51:57

New Jersey Men Die in Dive to Explore Ship Off Keys

the three men, all advanced certified divers, died trying what is known as a “penetration dive,” a risky exploration into the dark passages and compartments of a sunken vessel,

Even the most experienced diver can become disoriented trying to explore confined spaces like the inside of a ship,

vocabulary: certify maze surface(v.) ambient

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-19 13:25:44

(Sunday Book Review: 'Then We Came to the End') Pink Slip Blues

It is a brave author who embeds the rationale for writing his novel into the novel itself. (I like the vocabulary in this sentense, and I know a chinese author who is also brave~:o )

It is set at the turn of the current century, when the implosion of the dot-com economy is claiming collateral victims down the fluorescent-paneled halls of a Chicago advertising firm.

The layoffs come piecemeal, without warning and — in keeping with good, brutal, heinie-covering legal practice — with no rationale as to why any person was let go.

The assignment becomes more fraught, and suspicious, when a rumor begins to circulate that Lynn Mason, the employees’ reserved, arch supervisor, has breast cancer herself.

And the prophylactic amnesia that separates time on the clock from the set of waking hours we call “our lives”: “Half the time we couldn’t remember three hours ago. Our memory in that place was not unlike that of goldfish. Goldfish who took a trip every night in a small clear bag of water and then returned in the morning to their bowl.”

Even after moving on and rebuilding their lives, the employees who exit Ferris’s unnamed firm come to miss it, the drudgery, the infuriations, the hours spent with “this person or that who rankled and bugged and offended angels in heaven.”

vocabulary: embed rationale

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-20 08:34:10

Uproar Over Memphis Power Broker’s Unpaid Bills

Month after month, Memphis Light, Gas and Water allowed City Councilman Edmund Ford to forgo paying thousands of dollars in overdue bills without having his power cut.

Voters here indulge peccadilloes among their politicians, like the occasional indictment or child born out of wedlock.

“The rest of us are getting jerked around, and jacked around,”(求翻译)

The paper trail shows officials negotiating, cajoling and pleading with, and ultimately excusing Mr. Ford,

vocabulary: forgo indulge plead preferential unseat echo(v.)

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-21 01:55:21

Russia Gives Iran Ultimatum on Enrichment

The ultimatum was delivered in Moscow last week by Igor S. Ivanov, the secretary of the Russian National Security Council, to Ali Hosseini Tash, Iran’s deputy chief nuclear negotiator, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because a confidential diplomatic exchange between two governments was involved. (interesting political trick~)

But clearly the Russians and the Iranians are getting on each other’s nerves. (get on one's nerves, to irritate, annoy, or provoke one)

In a flurry of public comments in the past month,

vocabulary: ultimatum envision flurry(v. flurr)

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-22 07:34:09

Inside Japan’s Puzzle Palace
Few Americans had ever thought of Japan as a source for puzzles until a little more than two years ago, when sudoku suddenly took the nation by storm, flooding airport gift shops, and even rivaling crosswords in popularity.

“These puzzles can spread across countries,” Mr. Gould said, “because there are no restrictions of language or culture to block them.”

Vocabulary: self-proclaimed wellspring oversight catchy

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-23 05:19:26

回复 #10 lintelle 的帖子

“The rest of us are getting jerked around, and jacked around,”
about this sentance, I asked my teacher Mr. Butt (I just found out that he has a PhD~:) ), he said that it means "we'll never get what we want." we are jerked around, we are treated as jerks; we are jacked around, we are kicked around like football, we are ignored. Overall, it means no one is taking our opinion seriously, we'll never get what we want.

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-23 07:32:33

China Scrambles for Stability as Its Workers Age
While second careers are common in the West and are often embraced as a chance to satisfy long-held ambitions, for huge numbers of Chinese city dwellers like Mrs. Chen, a widow, eking out another decade or two of paid work is more a matter of survival. (eking out another decade or two of paid work, this sentence sounds really funny. Need to get used to it~)

In this sense, Mrs. Chen is anything but alone. (I think we can replace anything with everything here. Can anyone give me a confirmed answer about this opinion?)

By midcentury, according to United Nations projections, roughly 430 million people — about a third of the population — will be retirees. (This sentence is not graceful, the grammar use is not complicated, but oh-my-god! – Yep~ this is China~)

Most troubling to financial experts, the government has used payroll taxes paid by the current generation of workers, who in theory are paying into their individual retirement accounts, to pay pensions for the previous generation. :funk:

Vocabulary: eke(+out) China’ s one-child policy= population control policy(计划生育 in case some of you are wondering~) crisis loom(v.)

lintelle 发表于 2007-3-26 06:26:48

Diamonds Move From Blood to Sweat and Tears
Diamond mining in Sierra Leone is no longer the bloody affair made infamous by the nation’s decade-long civil war, in which diamonds played a starring role.

By law that person must be Sierra Leonean, but in practice the licensees are often fronts for foreign backers or migrants from the Middle East or other West African countries.

Vocabulary: grim front(v.)
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