songoker 发表于 2007-5-16 22:13:31

原帖由 nynyaaa 于 2007-5-16 21:51 发表
As you know, my family owns a company. There is much data about the company's partners and comsumers. I would like to use the statistical knowledge to collect, process, analysis the data.


我现在也觉得很臭,关键是斑竹给点解决的建议吧...  我看了版上绝大多数的签经和技巧贴.. 但是没有提炼出来一目了然的答案..  麻烦给一两条建议啊..  :(

hongbopan 发表于 2007-5-16 22:13:40


jessie0587 发表于 2007-5-17 01:41:44


4, VO: what is the relationship beteewn statistics and the company?

ryan841230 发表于 2007-5-17 07:43:07





songoker 发表于 2007-5-17 10:20:31


Lana165 发表于 2007-6-7 13:17:06


忧郁Shaka 发表于 2007-6-8 15:57:47

1, VO: what university will you go?

ME; I will go to the University of XXX to pursue my master degree in Statistics. (本来还想补充专业的介绍,但是他紧接着问了下一个问题.)

VO: how many institutions did you apply?
ME: I applied three universities.(给他比了个三的手势)

VO: what are the other two?
ME: xxxxxxx.

VO: how many universities admitted you?
ME: only the university of XXXX gives me the admission, and in XXXX university, it does not tell me the descion yet.

2, VO: why did you choose Statistics?

ME: I chose this major by thinking of my career pursuit.(这里是不是应该把interests加上--是的,应该说是自己的兴趣和对未来的规划,使自己作出这个选择.如果在大学期间参加过某些和统计相关的活动,使你产生要学这个专业的念头,也可以说的.,准备的时候有注意,但是面签的时候忘记了,很紧张.) As you know, my family owns a company. There is much data about the company's partners and comsumers. I would like to use the statistical knowledge to collect, process, analysis the data.--我觉得,把专业硬跟家里的公司扯上,这点比较失败:mad

3,VO: what is the company about?

ME: This company focuses on construction materials.(好象没有来得及介绍公司的良好的经营状况--下次如果有 机会要跟vo说. 但是好象并没有给我时间说.)

4, VO: what is the relationship beteewn statistics and the company?

ME: (没有听清楚,I beg your pardan? 仍然没有听清楚,把statitics听成tax,是不是留下了很不好的印象了?)

(这个问题回答得极其不好,并不是准备的问题,临场发挥很不好.) I would like to use the statistics to collect, process, analysis the data about the company's partners and comsumers.(我这里是不是应该举个简单的例子来说明统计学到公司应用的关系? 当时不知道是紧张还是他真的没有给我时间继续解释,总之这个问题很失败.)

5, ME: would you like have a look at the business licence of this company? (想通过材料扭转局势,但是失败,他不想看.) I brought the official evaluation report of this comany, would you like to see it?(还犯了语法错误,那个时候估计心情毛了.)

6, what the annual income of your parents?

(我总感觉我的交流和他出了问题.)My parents incomes depend on the profit of the company, and the net profit of the company is about 480,000 RMB; and the first three months, the company's net profit is about 120,000 RMB. (我提供不出公司的税单,是不是他不信哦. 公司的确赚了这么多,而且今年前三个月赚了2,30万,我都没有敢说.没想到他还是不信. 因为公司的资产评估只有120多万,我就怕说多了利润,他不相信.)--如实说吧,反正是真实的.如果存折上能反映出有持续不断,稳定的收入,问题就不大的

7, VO: do you have house certificate?
ME: Yes, there are two houses we are living now. we are going to move into the new one in the ending of this year.--你说的现在房产价值业经不止当时买的那么多了,那可以去做个评估,到时候找机会主动给他说房产现在的价值.

8, VO: can I have a look at your bank certificate and your deposit books?
ME: yes, the three bank books show the circulating assets of my family and the company.(他认真的看了三个存折,上面有很多流水帐.)

然后他就开始敲键盘了,冷场了一段时间,我没有抓住这个机会. 一方面是因为所有材料都递给他看过了,不知道怎么搭话,其实我觉得应该重新把我的归国计划说说的.另一方面是因为当时的那种情形,准备的东西都乱了套了. 我想等他打完键盘我再跟他综合的说说我的study plan和career plan,但是没有机会了,他给我盖章了.  我居然没有说 wait a moment. 我昨天晚上还想好他提章我就叫他等一下的.  真是失败.

最后我问了他可不可以解释一下,他打了几句官腔. 我就走了,不敢看剩下在那里等的大家. 我觉得我最失败的是在回答上面吧,没有和VO做到很有效的交流.我的话都没有把主要的意思传达出去,然后是不是资金也有问题呢?  我准备再提供两套住房和一个出租门面的房产证明. 这个作为下次的changes可以不?   --完全可以
但是他会不会问我为什么这次没有带全过去呢? --就说上次准备得不充分,很紧张之类的.


elvazhang1022 发表于 2007-6-9 10:00:35

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