almasy 发表于 2007-5-23 12:59:15

5.23 上海文科全奖1000过--done

本来以为会一帆风顺的签证却因为本人的疏忽增添了一个小插曲。在送材料时被告知DS156的条形码不完整 (9:05),需要重新打印-立即拦车,回家。在路上还心里不停地嘀咕家里的HP Laserjet怎么在关键时刻这么不争气。结果到家后 (9:30)发现pdf档案中的条形码本来就不完整。这里提醒以后的gter们,在网站上填完表生成pdf后,一定要先检查一下尾页的条形码是否完整。重新填了一份156后,便匆匆地再次赶往签证中心 (9:40)。后来的一切都还算顺利,电梯口,以及中心门口都已经没有什么人了,安检后直接就去排队送材料 (10:05)。大约在一个半小时以后轮到面签 (11:35)。以下为面签实录:

VO (忘了对准mic): ~~~~
ME: Excuse me?
VO (凑近mic): Why were you in the States last year? What were you doing?
ME: I was there visiting a number of universities to which I applied for graduate study.
VO (打开护照,找到前一次的签证,在上面盖章,并开始打字)
VO (有些打趣地说): Mr. XX, we definitely want you to go to the States, to fix that accent of yours. It sounds ... too... European.
ME (心里的石头已经落下,也半开玩笑地说): I am afraid I would have none of that. I will put up a good fight.
VO (大笑):  Can I see you letter pleae? the letter from the school.
ME: Sure. I have two, one from the grad school, the other from the department. Which one do you want to see?
VO: The one about the money, cash matters.
ME (把研院的通知给他)
VO: What else have you got? Can I see it as well?
ME: You mean the one from the department? Sure.
VO (看信,打字): So how many schools did you apply to?
ME: 5
VO: And? How did you do?
ME (有些自豪地说): got into every single one of them.
VO: all with offers?
ME: Yes.
VO: So what are the others?
ME (报学校): A, B, C, D...
VO: So why did you choose XXX University?
ME: Indeed it was almost an embarrassment of riches. But as i said, I have been to all of these schools and XXX University happens to be my favourite.
VO: what about the programme?
ME: that too. I have applied to do, although not exclusively, Chinese and Japanese art history. While XXX University has a very very good art history department, it also boasts one of the world's best East Asian Studies programme...(被打断)
VO: so it is a good combination. I see. Congratulations! You've got your visa. Best of luck and I am sure you'll do very well. Goodbye!
ME: Thank you! Have a nice day.


[ 本帖最后由 忧郁Shaka 于 2007-6-6 19:50 编辑 ]

wwx8489 发表于 2007-5-23 13:59:38

“got into every single one of them”


swjtuzlr 发表于 2007-5-23 14:24:16


zp365 发表于 2007-5-23 15:11:35

bull person

胭脂×白羽 发表于 2007-5-23 15:14:58


chuanteng2000 发表于 2007-5-23 15:36:06


floyo 发表于 2007-5-23 16:19:48


fox-77 发表于 2007-5-23 16:24:51

cong  文科!

小狐狸同志 发表于 2007-5-23 16:42:56


wzhh 发表于 2007-5-23 16:43:31

条形码怎么知道它是完整还是不完整啊? 就一块花花的矩形状吧?

sarahliu 发表于 2007-5-23 16:53:35


miniessence 发表于 2007-5-23 18:10:50


freda326 发表于 2007-5-23 18:38:11

牛的米话说~~BLESS LZ今后一切顺利~:rolleyes:

jaychester 发表于 2007-5-23 19:19:11


bearling 发表于 2007-5-23 19:24:07

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