6.13 SH MA in communication 基本全奖 1000pass
me:good morning
vo: good morning
me: nice to meet you
vo: xxx
vo: where do you get your bachelor degree?
me: in xxxx university located in xxxxx, in coming july
vo: what's your major?
me: advertising now
vo: how many university did you apply?
me: 8(看他没说话我就继续说), 6 of them admitted me, two rejected me.(正准备报学校名字他就问了下个问题)
vo: why do you want to have a master's degree?
me: because in China, many people have bachelor's degree, and i think if you get a master's degree you can find a good job easier. And it help me get my career goal which is xxxx. It requires a master's degree in communication.
vo: Can I see your offer letter?
me: ok (pass it to him)vo示意我打开信封,照做
vo看了一会,继续问:what do you want to do, advertising or communication?
vo:ok.you pass
可爱的小绿条就递了出来,我很高兴的说thank you 抱着资料就去邮寄窗口拉.
me: good morning!
vo: xxxx?
me: yes I am.
vo: so you are in xxx university now ?
me: yes.
vo: undergraduate or graduate?
me: undergraduate and I'll get my BA degree in coming july.
vo: are you excited about that?
me: yes, of course.
vo: so why did you choose this university
me: bla bla bla.....还没有说完就问了下面的问题
vo: can I see your offer letter?
me: here you are.
因为我的I-20表上的钱是包括了减免的学费的,而offer letter上只写明了我的一年的工资,所以钱有出入,vo发现了问题,还好我早有准备.在签证前我发现了这个问题,就赶紧打电话给学校,学校还说不要紧的,我坚持叫他们写一封邮件来说明一下,结果催了两天邮件才发来,建议大家发现问题还是打电话解决比较快.
vo: how will you pay your tuition?
me: I got the tuition wave.
vo: do you have any letters about that?
me: yes, I have an e-mail about it. It is from xxxxx, her name is on the I-20 form.
大叔拿了email和i-20对照了一下,再看了看offer letter觉得没有问题,然后我补充了一下
me: I still need to pay a few money but my parents will pay it for me
vo: what job do your parents do
me: bla,bla, bla............
vo: how many universities did you apply?
me: 8
vo: how many of them give you admission?
me: 6
me: can I watch my tips, i can remenber all of them.(拿出小纸条,开始念bla,bla,bla......)
vo: can I see your transcripts?
me: ok, but I'm a senior students so I only have the first three year's
vo: it's ok
me: can i open it?
me: sorry, I broke it.......
vo: it's ok
vo: so what about your grades?
me: about xxxxx, I can't remember clearly.
vo: good luck
me: Thank you and have a nice day!
[ 本帖最后由 chris1112 于 2007-6-13 21:11 编辑 ] cong~!!
PS: 和lz相似的情况
偶offer letter也只说明了stipend的数目,i-20的school funds则包括了tuition+stipend
如果是系里老师给偶的email中说明tuition waiver是否可以?
congratulation.My daughter is going to get visa on 1 pm this afternoon. god bless her.she is only 18. cong cong
回复 #2 acidfish 的帖子
我个人觉得应该是可以的,因为我觉得面我的VO就是需要有一封信来证明你有tuition wave.对信的形式好象没有什么要求的,关键是他要什么你都能拿出相应的文件给他就好了