andrewyin 发表于 2007-6-22 22:57:05



6月19日  本科 免学费 成都2000过


5月30日 上午9点 成都 山羊胡子
VO:Why would you like to study in America?
ME: I want an international background in my career.
VO: What is your career?
ME: I mean business. I’m going to major in Business Administration in UWRF.
VO: What’s your dream after graduation?
ME: I want to be a manager in a company.
VO(Smiling): What company would you like to be a manager in?
VO: A gasoline company, or an ice cream company?
ME: Whatever. …..Maybe a food company will be fun.
VO:Just a company, right?
ME: Yeah
ME: Why? What I could do with it? Could you reconsider your decision, sir?
VO: Sorry, no change. It’s your situation. You can do nothing. You just wait until your situation has change.

6月19日  上午10:30 成都 哈利波特
VO:Why would you like to study in America?
ME(拿出项目材料):I’m going to participate in this program in China. The project is run by UWRF and CERS which my father works for.(递进材料)
VO:Did you intent to do this project last time you came here?
ME: Yes, but I was too nervous and forgot to bring it with me.
ME: My last visa application was rejected. The Chancellor of UWRF was surprised and disappointed. He wrote a letter to support my case.
VO: Could I see it?
ME: of course. (递校长的信进去)
VO(放下信,拿起I-20):Who is your local responser?
ME: Dr. XXX. He’s a professor of UWRF. He’s been working with my father for years.
VO: What’s your father’s job?
ME: He’s XXX.
VO: What’s your father’s annual income?
ME: Around XXX.
VO: Could I see your house certificate?
ME: Of course. (把房产证、存款证明、车辆登记证、收入证明全塞进去)
VO:You’ve graduated from high school?
ME: Yes.
VO: Did you take gaokao(高考)?
ME:No, I didn’t.
VO: Why?
ME: Senior 3 is a year for students to review lessons and get ready for the Exams to enter colleges. I was admitted by UWRF early in March. I studied about the project I’m going to do and took pre-college courses in YU.
VO: Well, what if you can’t go to America?
ME: I don’t believe I can’t go to college in America. I’m an outstanding student. I’ve been the chairperson of the Student Government and working for the United Nation against AIDS for years. I don’t think your country would loose an opportunity to educate such an excellent student like me.
ME:Sir, I went to England two years ago. Here’s my British VISA. (隔着玻璃给他看看) I was even reported on the local news paper. Would you like to see it, Sir?
VO: Oh?
VO撕了张小卡片给我,说些什么我都已经忘了。我赶紧说“Thank you very much! Have a nice day, Sir!”然后就蹦着出来了。



magic_zhao 发表于 2007-6-23 02:42:07


098765yyy 发表于 2007-6-23 08:16:47

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