haozhu 发表于 2007-7-1 22:01:41

6.26 成都自费硕士1000被拒,请大家帮忙~~--done~

签我的是三号vo,  问了很多问题,还是据了,sigh~~
top24的学校,专业top 6,自费三年的master(写的是32个月,我计划两年修完),一年4万9(学校贵应该是硬伤了)

Me: good morning sir!
Vo: good morning, 指纹先
Vo: what will you study?
Me: I plan to study xx for the master's degree at xx University for about 2 years
Vo: how many schools have you applied?
Me: I have applied 10 schools and 4 of them accepted me
Vo: what schools?
Me: blablabla.(应该说一下有其他学校给我奖学金的,太紧张了...)
Vo: why do you want to study xx in America?
Me: well, first, it’s a highly respected profession with high profit and I also have my family reasons.  Both of parents are famous  in   this field   in southwestern china and my father runs  his own company  … (被打断)
Vo: I mean why us?
Me: (这才发现答非所问,慌...)okay, because, you know, America has best education system and teaching quality in
   the world, besides it has pretty good facilities and international environment.
Vo: (nodding)what will you do after graduation?
Me: I plan to come back to china to help my father develop our family business.
Vo: what kind of business?  
Vo: ok, show me the certificate of your father’s company
Vo: 看了看公司的宣传册,指着照片问:who is your father?
Me: the second one from the right side.
Vo: how many people in this company?
Me: well, about 60 people.
Vo: how much percent do you father have?
Vo: (ask again)100 percent?
Me: yes, oh no, about 80, yeah, 80.汗阿。。。
Vo:  露出让人心寒的微笑,我估计这里他已经拿主意了,埃~~so you are working right now?tell me something about your job.
Me: yeah, I have a job in my father’s company, working as xx.my duty is xxxxxx.
Vo: how about your salary?
Me: it’s 1500 RMB per month
Vo: do you have some brothers and sisters?
Me: no, I’m the only child.
Vo: give me the certificate of your parents’ certificate and house certificate.
Me: ok, wait a minute
Vo: 指着最大的房产证问:what is this house for?
Me: the largest one?
Vo: yes.
Me: for business.
Vo: for business, I see
Me: Vo狂敲电脑,忙说:do you want to see my savings and bank statement? I have 1.4 million in our personal savings, and you can see my parent’s annual income is about 330,000, besides we have 2 cars and 3 houses.
Vo: no need.
Me: other materials?
Vo: no.
Vo: I’m sorry, you know, it’s a non-immigration visa and the school is very expensive, so you are not approved.盖章。。。
Me: can you give me the exact reason?
Vo: smile.
Me: can I apply again?
Vo: you can apply anytime but that dose not mean the result will change.(郁闷的望了说thanks...)
虽然成都的形势不好,但是我觉得还是自己的原因,签证官问了这么多,有很多机会证明自己和展现自己的,自己没有抓住~~~~~~所以成都的签友不要灰心,好好准备一定能过的,bless all :)

[ 本帖最后由 忧郁Shaka 于 2007-7-1 22:32 编辑 ]

忧郁Shaka 发表于 2007-7-1 22:20:36

sigh..又拒了..成都:vomit: 好多case在其他签区随随便便就过了.
还是分析一下,资金原因,我认为是最主要的.我都想毛了,不晓得成都这3个vo想干啥子,百般刁难成都的申请人:mad 但是没办法,学费太高,即使你有足够的钱,他还是找理由拒你.


shizhangsijie 发表于 2007-7-1 22:28:20

I suggest that you should contact with an American lawyer to help your visa.your family is able to afford it.

haozhu 发表于 2007-7-1 22:41:42

keep trying~~~

soya1226 发表于 2007-7-2 00:24:00

同学 你在你爸公司工作对于公司情况应该知道得很清楚...but..

你背景不错 好好努力哈
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