hiday 发表于 2007-7-5 13:57:30

7.5, GZ 自费 本科 重读 1000 拒

我好希望题目是7.5, GZ 1000 pass呀!

VO: So you are going to study in XXX University?
ME: yes, i will go to study in XXX univerisity.
VO: give me your admission letter.
ME: here you are.
VO: how do you know about this university?
ME: i have known this university since young(有点紧张,以前准备的回答忘了,只好随便接着说了). it is one of the members of IVY league, has some of the best undergraduate studies in the world, embraces international students.(后来反省,认为这里不能只谈这些空话,应该也说说上这个学校对自己未来发展的好处)
VO: Have you applied for any other schools?
ME: yes ,i have applied to dartmouth college and WUSTL. dartmouth rejected me while WUSTL waitlisted me.
VO:(敲电脑) 看156表 you are in a university now.(停顿10秒)you are current a  student, will you transfer any credits?
ME: no, i will not transfer any credits.(都怪我没有好好准备,完全没想到这个问题) every freshman in XXX university have to take
the core curriculum at first. the core curriculum is the cornerstone of a XXX's education. so i do not transfer any credits.(我都不知道我
VO: the tuition is expensive. who will pay for that?
ME: my parents will support me.(我后来想这里我也许可以先说一句:yeah, the tuition is expensive ,but i think it worthes).
VO: show me the income  certificates.
ME: 找的过程中asset list被先翻出来了,就问VO要不要看,他有点恼怒的说我要的是income certificate,于是赶紧拿给他了。以后还是不要
VO:把收入证明还给我,要银行证明。我塞进去给他,一共有1百万。他点点头后把东西还给我,然后开始敲电脑。本来手上还有一份股权证明,后来想想刚刚asset list的事,就没再问他。
这时vo指着我的157还是158表上的现住地址说:your hometown is in Jiangsu, why do you come to Guangdong to...(后面的话我没听清,他基本上不是对着电脑说话就是在和我的表格进行交流)
ME: YYY University(我现在的学校)is not my first choice. I just need one more score to get in the Southeast Univeristy in Jiangsu. 后面我大概是在说被志愿调到这边来了。
VO: i'm sorry i have to deny you .sorry to disappoint you. but i have to reject you this time. you can talk to another counselor...后面的话也就没心情听他说了。


p.s: 我到底该在哪儿签呀?

[ 本帖最后由 hiday 于 2007-7-5 16:26 编辑 ]

hiday 发表于 2007-7-5 20:04:03


magic_zhao 发表于 2007-7-6 00:23:14

如果你是在广州签区的大学读书,在广州签很正常. 不算跨区.

liapple7237 发表于 2007-9-6 17:19:25


Faye_Grace 发表于 2007-9-8 07:53:01


liapple7237 发表于 2007-9-10 16:54:09

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查看完整版本: 7.5, GZ 自费 本科 重读 1000 拒