星夜无夏 发表于 2007-7-23 11:17:34

issue225 考前习作一篇风格散漫要自行斟酌

TOPIC: ISSUE225 - "People often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms; we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else."
WORDS: 693          TIME: 00:40:00          DATE: 2007-7-12 ÏÂÎç 11:25:45

We are always expect that there is one person whose background as same as us to experience the thing what we have to experience in future. Therefore, we can refer to their processes and results to avoid the falseness they had made and to enhance the points what they overlooked during it. Everything sounds like perfect. The same qualities, the same backgrounds, the same scores of tests and the same targets, which all you will have in overnight. However, not every one who follow or imitate those experiences would be attained the identical result at the end. Theoretically, this assumption may be practicable. So where is the wrong we ignored?

Think of a book I saw before, the writer said one year he has a high school classmate applied for the Harvard University. This student has remarkable talents ranging from music to mathematics. And he also had held a high SAT scores. Undoubtedly, he had admitted as everyone did not surprising. But next year, another boy, his younger brother also was ready for applying for the Harvard. This boy even got much higher scores than his older brother. But this time he was no longer such lucky as his brother--he had being rejected by Harvard. No one knew the consequences during it. But I figure that it may be the Harvard never needs two same genius.  

From this thing I realize, in some cases, although we have same backgrounds and similar quantifications, the results would be totally different. And that is not a joke. So during this issue, we intend to discuss whether people need more similarity or differences. At the first we need to define what the similarity is and why people need it.

At the head I said, people all have a desire which can along with a had-been-success way to go to the same destination. On one hand, this could help them to predict the risks which the previous people met. On other hand, the more important thing is they can save the times which they would have done other stuff. They just no longer need to think, to consider and to process the tough works by merely following to others. And they do not need to commit the risk which may bring out the failure. As to this kind of mental element, more and more people tend to relying on the cases which introduced by the people who had finished.

This access would not be an entirely wrongs in some extent. If no cases succeed after the example the other would not follow it later. However, the more we saw are those people who speaking loudly like why me? We are same! I will say to this man that this is so-called personality, and also this is the initiative. If I had had a white cat, I do not need another white cat. Maybe I need a yellow one, or a bird, or something else. Anyway, another white cat is a surplus whatever how white it is.

Each individual living in this society is playing a personal role. Everyday we are living are never would be same. Only to refer to several vague elements like degree or job experience or test scores can not to identify every one definitely. Because you are the unique, every factor you had are determining you to move on the way you adapted to. Even if you have same experiences the ending would not be the same. The failures of others would not be your failure. Because of you still have your advantages which the others had not pointed out in others experiences. If you ignored such shining spots and gave up before trying once, you would have found out that you were a totally fool one day.

Such examples are too many to state in here. You just need to remember one thing that is every street has the invisible corners which you will not find out without go through it. Furthermore, the turnings to everyone vary. Though you are both along this street, you may find out different corners which all can delivery you two to the happy endings. The truth is the vice you have but the other talents others short of. So that you can shows your pros and avoids your cons. You should absolutely to show up them to the viewers, since all of things you owned are unique including your shortcoming!

[ 本帖最后由 星夜无夏 于 2007-7-23 11:34 编辑 ]

onedolphin 发表于 2007-8-9 22:36:17


yiyilouise 发表于 2007-8-13 20:58:32

只有羡慕的份 好强:D

echobnu 发表于 2007-11-18 15:17:52


pervesering_sk 发表于 2007-12-1 16:29:57


billy4ever 发表于 2007-12-1 17:06:51


陈星君 发表于 2008-1-1 14:21:02


wuziqing1498 发表于 2009-2-11 11:18:46

把things specify 成ourselves,应该算是大智,但我觉得在前面说一个这个specification好一些,写的很自由,给我的散漫一个支撑

luolin7 发表于 2010-4-4 10:49:51


三叶槿 发表于 2010-11-18 22:32:13


pby1025 发表于 2011-1-17 20:10:09


andyking2010 发表于 2011-1-17 23:09:36


kashmire 发表于 2011-11-18 19:53:07

SYNCIA 发表于 2012-10-5 21:25:52

说通自己的观点,最重要。 逻辑清楚的散漫很有另一番感觉~

hesha0987 发表于 2012-10-29 21:14:24

观点很特别很深刻啊 啊啊啊 拜读完就觉得自己弱爆了
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