victoriazhizhi 发表于 2007-8-2 10:01:11


cosmopolitan summer/fall 2007 special issue

题目 skin secrets even your derm hasn't told you

挺好的, 拍了图片超级无敌大, 每个2.3M 发了半天发不上来
考虑到一缩可能文字就不清晰了, 也没缩了, 我言简意赅的说说核心吧

1. Products can multitask

SPFs laced with antioxidants fight aging free radicals.  And antiaging retinol creams can also be used as a spot treatment to zap zits.

2. Your skin get bored-- skin stops responding to the active ingredients

It's most likely to occur after 6 months and with moisturizers or spot treatments. Cleansers aren't long enough for skin to become resistant. Dead cells prevent products from penetrating. So use a glycolic acid scrub.

3. You don't need to wash your face twice a day.

Even mild cleansers can strip natural oils, exacerbating flakiness and irritation.  If your skin has been tight or red, skip the morning wash and just rinse.  

4. Margaritas can give you more than a hangover

Chemicals in fruity alcoholic beverages can react with your skin while you are in the sun, causing reddish brown spots called phytophotodermatitis.  (这个词是合成词, 我望文生义, 光敏性皮炎?) Wearing perfume in the sun can cause the spots too. You will find them on the neck and arms.

5. you should apply products in order

After cleansing, follow with a spot treatment. Acne creams cant penetrate if they are put on last. Then finish with an spf lotion, no matter the season. wait a couple of minutes between each layer.

6. Sunscreen and sunblock are different.

Sunscreens contain chemical blockers(like avobenzone and oxybenzone) that can grate sensitive faces. Sunblocks use physical sun protectors such as titanium dioxide and zincoxide.  Use a dime size amount for your face daily and a shot glass for your body on the beach days.

7. The pill can help and harm skin

Certain birth-control pills can clear acne, but some cause melasma(a discoloration called the mask of pregnancy).  Stop sports with whitening ingredients like hydroquinone. Try soy.  还说了这种斑一旦出现趋势, 就飞速的出现了, 不过多轻微, 在太阳下一天就黑了.

8. Your sleeping position can age you.

大意就是要平躺, 要枕枕头, 但不要把脸平贴在枕头上, 用丝的光滑的枕头套. 可以不太容易引起细纹. 汗, 真麻烦啊

9. Your skin cant be typecast

大意就是肤质是不停变化的, 20岁后皮肤就开始慢慢的干, 季节也会引起变化...废话了这个 不说了
A moisturizer with glycerin delivers hefty hydration without clogging pores.  甘油是王道

10. Your jewelry can rub your wrong way.

大意就是些金属过敏之类的, 也不废话了

huacaoxiang 发表于 2007-8-2 10:30:26

:loveliness: 好麻烦啊,呵呵

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-8-2 10:51:13

哇塞,你小子难得这么高深一次啊;d: ;d:

小寒寒 发表于 2007-8-2 11:11:29

Sunscreens contain chemical blockers(like avobenzone and oxybenzone) that can grate sensitive faces. Sunblocks use physical sun protectors such as titanium dioxide and zincoxide.  Use a dime size amount for your face daily and a shot glass for your body on the beach days.

这个a dime size是说sunblock咩?...


victoriazhizhi 发表于 2007-8-2 11:24:30

没说是啥 是用在最后一句总结性的话

我觉得也挺多的 我每次只抹了那个的一半
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