思念里的影子舞 发表于 2007-9-7 02:08:20

Jurlique sale again--20% off

And coming soon is Jurlique's revamped line. All of the formulas, which I think are perfect already, will stay the same. But with new, absolutely beautiful 100% recyclable packaging made from 80% post-consumer waste and using soy-based ink, you can feel even better about purchasing Jurlique. And just as nice, there will be four new products to fall for.

To get your discount enter the code JURLIQUESALE during checkout.*
*For a limited time. While supplies last. If an item ordered is no longer
available at discount price it will be automatically cancelled from the order.


cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-9-7 02:26:22

Jurlique有些东西还是蛮不错的:o :o

zhengzheng1026 发表于 2007-9-7 08:37:11

原帖由 cecilia.beryl 于 2007-9-6 13:26 发表
Jurlique有些东西还是蛮不错的:o :o



katrina0101 发表于 2007-9-7 09:54:33


想买herbal recovery gel和deep penetrating cream mask了,抛弃俺的小黄瓜;d:

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-9-7 11:28:34

回复 #4 katrina0101 的帖子

估计再好也没有俺的哲学好;d: ;d:

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-9-7 11:33:49

回复 #3 zhengzheng1026 的帖子

Pure Rosewater Freshener   100ML    这个据说是很好的一个冬冬,还有就是小K说的那个面膜啦

不过据说最强悍的是他家的精油,效果很好滴;d: ;d:

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-9-7 11:35:25

回复 #4 katrina0101 的帖子

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