victoriazhizhi 发表于 2007-9-27 22:32:29

bb那个棕色的很出名 好像是颜色很棒 我没买ye

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-9-28 00:19:28

回复 #16 panda854240 的帖子

但是必须配着大刷子用:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


yogurt4 发表于 2007-9-28 01:52:29

回复 #19 cecilia.beryl 的帖子

你买的bb刷子是ultra fine的那个还是黄色刷头的eye liner brush?

bb和mac的gel eye liner我是一定要买的

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-9-28 03:26:34

ultra fine的那个 不要买专业人士用的那个,刷子长的要命 ,老是跟镜子滑着,不舒服

littlecold 发表于 2007-9-28 07:19:36

Now I use BB gel, the color is really good, but it is a little "yun"...................:loveliness:

yogurt4 发表于 2007-9-28 07:46:02

回复 #22 littlecold 的帖子

Me too, any eye makeup "yun" easily on my eyes.
I guess I may need some premier before applying eye liner and eye shadow.

yogurt4 发表于 2007-10-3 02:16:16

Got my eye liner today!
Very beautiful on me:loveliness:
I will try to post a PP here after I learn how to edit a picture:o

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-10-3 03:06:06

回复 #24 yogurt4 的帖子

I wil get my liners tomorrow:loveliness:  looking forward to them!!!;d:

your must look very fetching with this color:kiss: take a photo and show us your picture

青色的玉 发表于 2007-10-3 03:25:23

M.A.C的#187刷子真的太赞了, 我好想买第二把:mad     
完了, 第一次遇到买了之后立刻还想买的

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-10-3 05:23:40

回复 #26 青色的玉 的帖子

Actually,I really really heat MAC's brushs,#187 maybe 掉毛,and have to wash them frequently, even just use them twice:o :o

Bobbi Brown's are more comfortable and easy to face-painting;d: ;d:

青色的玉 发表于 2007-10-3 05:27:19

原帖由 cecilia.beryl 于 2007-10-3 05:23 发表
Actually,I really really heat MAC's brushs,#187 maybe 掉毛,and have to wash them frequently, even just use them twice:o :o

Bobbi Brown's are more comfortable and easy to face-painting;d: ;d:

BB的是动物毛吧, 应该more comfortable才对:loveliness:  有了钱再去试/买, 草种子先埋起来;d:

yogurt4 发表于 2007-10-3 08:54:20

回复 #27 cecilia.beryl 的帖子

You're picky.....==

cecilia.beryl 发表于 2007-10-3 09:18:33

回复 #29 yogurt4 的帖子

:o 这么贵的东西咋能不挑剔呢
MAC的刷子价格和BB的就相差不到2刀哈:o :o 我买过刷腮红和眉刷,掉毛的利害
偶现在全部换成BB了;d: 每个月买2把,就这样慢慢的攒够了;d:

Esther.Li 发表于 2007-10-3 11:42:45


chinaloe14 发表于 2007-10-3 12:09:20

回复 #31 Esther.Li 的帖子

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