bbspeterlee 发表于 2007-12-2 13:34:55



PART I. 背景情况





我于2007年11月7日去上海美领馆面签,被Check了,拿到一张橘红色的“NOTICE TO THE APPLICANT”,经过漫长的三个星期的等待,终于拿到签证。现在正在办法出去的后续手续。

PART II. 面签经过

The interview lasted about 15 minutes, which is very long (less than 3minutes last year). A lot of questions I was asked. Here is thedialogue history:

ME: Good morning, sir.
VO: So you are LI?
ME: Yes.

VO: So you have been to USA?
ME: Yes, in the summer 2006.
VO: Where will you go?
ME: XXXXXXXX. Developing XXXXXXXX technology.
VO: Oh, XXXXXXXX! (Seems that he knows my host company). Who will pay for you?
ME: XXXXXXXX. My host employer.
VO: So you work for XXXXXXXX?
ME: Not work, it's a training.

VO: So why will they pay for you? Why China Government didn't pay?
ME: (I'm confused. Why China Government didn't pay?!!!) It's anExchange Visitor Program (What I mean is that my visa status is J-1),go to XXXXXXXX... (Interrupted)
VO: Exchange Visitor? So they will send someone to China?
ME: They have cooperation with a Chinese company named XXXXXXXX, hereare some materials for that (I handed it to him). And also XXXXXXXX isa sponsor organization for training...
VO: I see.

(It seems that he thought there is someone going to China. I should have said "no" or "I'm not sure")
ME: Here are some materials for the Statement of my Family Background.Blah, blah... that you see, I gotta back to China after finishing thetraining in the USA.
VO: Okay. I see. So you are now working in XXXXXXXX? That mobile communication company? Which country?
ME: Yes. It's a telecommunications company? XXXXXXXX. A XXXXXXXX company located in Shanghai.

VO: Oh, XXXXXXXX. Can I see your resume?
ME: Of coz. Here it is. You can see that I've been doing the internship in computer programming for some companies.
VO: Yes. Are you a student or graduated?
ME: Just graduated. Here are the graduation certificates and degreecertificates, including bachelor's, master's, and their Englishtranslation copies are also included.

VO: OK, I see. What's your major?
ME: Optics, About Physics.
VO: So why now XXXXXXXX?
ME: Well. I've been self-studying a lot of programming courses as apart of my curriculum, and the internship last year I had with XXXXXXXXgave me a lot of experience. I really had a productive and rewardingtime. And XXXXXXXX technology is an advanced technology, it is still onthe initial phase here in China, I wanna be trained. And also I havesome certificates and awards about my programming skills.

VO: When will you go?
ME: December 1st.
VO: December 1st. Well, your application has been approved, but stillwe need some time to process your application. (Handing me the orangepaper)
ME: You mean I will be checked? How long?
VO: 2-3 weeks. We will contact you via the telephone you provided once we have a final decision.
ME: Okay. Thank you. Do you wanna see the email contacts between my Host Employer XXXXXXXX & Me?
VO: No.

ME: Okay. (I'm packing up my materials, and about to leave...)
VO: Sorry. Wait a minute. Can you give me the training plan, can I see it?
ME: Okay. (Handing the "Host Employer Application Form" and "DS-7002 Training Placement Plan)
VO: (Looking at "Host Employer Application Form"). No, not this. I mean the training schedule?
ME: I think that one, the DS-7002 form, Training Placement Plan.

VO: (Move to look at the DS-7002 form).
ME: This is the plan, including 4 step-by-step phases. Theory, robustness, practical.
VO: Okay. That emails please.
ME: You mean this (email contacts between my Host Employer Rosetta Stone & Me, handing to the VO)?
VO: Yes. (Have a look at some pages). What is this for?
ME: My application procedure we did between my host employer & me.

VO: Okay. Do you have some materials about the company?
ME: Yes. Here is introduction about my host employer RosettaStone, thisis from their website. And this is my supervisor XXXXXXXX's resume, Ialso attached his business card.
VO: Okay. That's good.

ME: So. I just keep this (the orange paper) and wait for your response?
VO: Yes. We will contact you once we finish.
ME: Okay. Thank you. (Packing up my materials). Have a nice day!
VO: (Smile)
ME: (God, so long time, I'm tired.)

As a conclusion, I believe that they will check these 4 points:

(1) The cooperation with a Chinese company named XXXXXXXX,, it's okay coz we did have cooperation withXXXXXXXX. But it seems that the visa official was interested with myJ-1 status "EXCHANGE Vistor", please see the details in our talk above.
(2) My major Physics. I think Physics is a sensitive one they need check.
(3) Training not working.
(4) Home tie (It seems that he was not so interested in).

PART III. CheckList

a ) Basic Required
a.1 ) DS-2019 (Certificate of Eligibility)
a.2 ) Passport
a.3 ) DS-156 (Electronic, filled online in English, with some items hand-writing translated into Chinese as required)
a.4 ) DS-157
a.5 ) DS-158
a.6 ) SEVIS I-901 Receipt
a.7 ) USA Nonimmigrant Visa Application Fee Receipt (2 sheets)
a.8 ) Exchange Visitor Sponsorship Letter (From Visa Sponsor)
a.9 ) 2 Visa Photos
a.10) J-1 Visa Exchange Programs - Host Employer Application Form(Offer of Training from Host Employer)(Official Document of FundEvidence)
a.11) DS-7002 Training-Internship Placement Plan
a.12) Reference - About Work in XXXXXXXX (USA) and Benefits to My Future Career in China
a.13) Reference - Family Background Statement
a.14) ???
b ) Secondary Important
b.1 ) My Resume
b.2 ) Diplomas (Certificates of Graduation, Master Degree, Bachelor Degree - Original and English Translated Copies)
b.3 ) English Language Certificates (College English Test - Spoken English Test (CET-SET), CET-4-6)
b.4 ) Transcript of Academic Records (Original & English Translated Copies)
b.5 ) Bank Account
b.6 ) Real-estate Certificate
b.7 ) Family Hukou Book
b.8 ) Family Picture
b.9 ) J-1 Visa Exchange Programs - Exchange Visitor Application Checklist & Form (including Statement of Motivation)
b.10) Current Employment
b.11) Residency Certificate
b.12) Emails between Rosetta Stone (HR, Supervisor) & Me
b.13) My Supervisor XXXXXXXX's Resume
b.14) About Sponsor
b.15) About My Host Employer XXXXXXXX
b.16) Awarded Certificates (National Scholarship, UniversityScholarship, China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling(CUMCM), University Advanced Maths Contest, University ProgrammingContest)
b.17) Personal ID Card (Shengfegzheng)
b.18) 2006 Internship Report from XXXXXXXX (Evaluation on My Last Intership), 2006 Summer Intership Project Scope & Goals
b.19) RMB, Pen, Correction Liquild
b.20) ???
c ) Others Optional
c.1 ) Social Security Number
c.2 ) 2006 DS-2019
c.3 ) Other Documents from Sponsor in FedEx Mail
c.4 ) Letter of Reference
c.5 ) Hukou Certificate
c.6 ) Blank DS157, 158 for Emergency Use
c.7 ) ???

Notes (Don't Forget):
1. DS-156 BarCode (Printed from website) should be nice and clear, not crapy;
2. Form signature and date (DS-156, 158, DS-2019);
3. ???

Check Prohibited Items

PART IV. 经验总结:






Geforce 发表于 2007-12-2 13:47:05


bbspeterlee 发表于 2007-12-3 01:13:13

Hope XDJM can also pass the visa interview
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 上海2007年第二次(非二签)J-1签证被Check三个星期后PASS,附详细签经及CheckList